York College / City University of New York
Beaton, Laura

Beaton, Laura

Associate Professor


Phone: 718-262-5253
Office Location: AC-4E03B
Email: lbeaton@york.cuny.edu

I have three main areas of interest; (1) plant-herbivore interactions, (2) seed banks and seed dispersal, and (3) competition and allelopathy. I am conducting studies examining latitudinal gradients in defenses against herbivores in common sunflowers, effect of the seed bank of an invasive species on the germination and seedling establishment of several native species, the effects of competition on herbivore defense, and the ability of plants to acclimatize to a particular competitor.

Office Hours

by appointment


PhD McMaster University Biology 2004 
BS McMaster University  1997 
non-degree York College Bridging the Gap Seminar Series 2013 
certificate City University of New York Preparation for Teaching Online 2012 
certificate York College Online Hybrid Course Development Program 2011 

Areas of Expertise

  • Plant Ecology
  • Evolutionary Ecology
  • Seedling Ecology

Publications in Field Of Expertise
