Parking Enforcement Violations and Fines
# Violations Description Fines
Violations For Vehicle Immobilization (Boot Removal Fee $75 In Addition to the Specified Violation Fee)  
  Boot Removal Fee $100
1 Displaying a fake or fraudulent parking permit.(BOOT) $100
2 Parked vehicles that obstruct traffic.(BOOT) $100
3 Vehicles with excessive parking violations.(BOOT) $100
4 Illegal entry into the parking lot.(BOOT) $100
5 Parking in a reserved parking space.(BOOT) $100
$100 Fine Violations
1 Parked in a Handicapped Zone $100
2 Parked in a fire lane or access road. $100
$50 Fine Violations
1 Failure to Obey Officer's Instructions $50
2 Failure to display York College parking permit. $50
3 Not parked between lines (occupying more than one parking space) $50
4 Parking overnight without authorization. $50
5 Parking permit displayed on unauthorized vehicle. $50
6 Parking on grass/sidewalk $50
7 Parking in active roadway       $50