Recovery Resources
The New York SBDC at York College staff is able to meet with you virtually (phone or web conferencing) to assist with your questions. We offer confidential, no-cost technical assistance to help create a strategy specific to your business needs,as well as community contacts, specialized expertise, and resources that will strengthen your efforts.
As businesses begin to look at reopening and/or planning to transition to the 'new normal,' there are a number of factors to consider and decisions to be made. The NYSBDC at York College recommends using the process below no matter what stage you are in to determine your next steps. This checklist is meant to help guide you through those important questions as you look to re-imagine your business and find success in the post-crisis world. Wherever your business may be currently, we suggest starting at the very beginning of the checklist and working your way through.
Please check back regularly as this information will continue to be updated. At any point in this process, please reach out to our office to schedule a one-on-one counseling session with an Advisor.

ReviewConsiderations Before Deciding To Reopen

ReopenConsiderations When Developing Your Reopening Plan

RecoverConsiderations When Planning For The Future

Guidance for Specific Industries