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Information Technology

Web and Business Intelligence

York College Web Services and Business Intelligence Department develops and maintains state-of-the-art web content and application platforms to support the College’s communications plan, improve operational efficiency, and promote awareness and engagement throughout the college community.


Practices and Guidelines

This document provides information pertaining to York College website development and is directed primarily to units that want to create their presence on the web.


York College has implemented Plone, a Portal/Content Management System (CMS) that college units can use to develop and maintain their web pages. The purpose of York Portal/CMS is:

  • To provide a consistent visual appearance to the Web Site.
  • To simplify the use of the Web Site.
  • To simplify the development of pages for the Web Site.
  • To avoid duplication and inaccuracy of information of the Web Site and its subsites.
  • To comply with current web and accessibility standards.