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York College is literally ready for business -- as an Empire State Development START-UP NY site, which enables new or existing companies to apply to New York State to participate in START-UP NY. If accepted, they can then apply to York College to participate in the College’s Campus Plan. Attached are the York College campus plan and priority areas for potential business partnerships.

START-UP NY is Governor Andrew Cuomo's initiative to create tax-free communities for new and expanding businesses on SUNY and CUNY campuses throughout the state of New York. The initiative provides incentives for businesses to locate or expand in these zones operating as tax-free entities for 10 years, as detailed below:


Interested? Contact York College at, or 718-262-2100, to discuss your business plans and their relation to York College/CUNY's academic mission and programs.

Consult the START-UP NY FAQ's to get answers to commonly asked questions about the program.

 For more on START-UP NY please visit or