Section Department of Chemistry Header

Department of Chemistry

David L.

Drug Chemist at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

The York College’s Pharmaceutical and Business master program has contributed vastly to my knowledge and career success in the pharmaceutical industry. I would recommend this program to anyone as it covers the various aspects of the pharmaceutical industry: regulatory affairs, scientific knowledge, and business modeling. Choosing this program may lead students to various successful career paths as a pharmaceutical scientist. The pharmaceutical industry is a very complex, vast, and fast-growing field with endless opportunities; and I can attest that I was skillfully prepared as a student to be successful in the pharmaceutical field. After completing the program, I expected nothing less than to be a competitive and valuable candidate for the numerous positions available in the pharmaceutical industry. The courses are effectively relevant to the reality of the field. The teachers share their fruitful knowledge with students about the pharmaceutical industry's history, functionality, and challenges. Because all aspects are covered in this pharmaceutical program, I was able to effectively gain various skills that differentiated me from the many other candidates once I was applying for jobs. Teachers are very friendly and available to all students seeking advice and counseling. I observed a thoughtful support system with a sense of community which boosts the teacher/student relationship and favors the learning experience of students.

Additionally, with the more affordable tuition, the York College CUNY Pharmaceutical Sciences, and Business program is a “WIN-WIN” situation in comparison with the similar pharmaceutical programs offered by other Colleges/Universities. I recommend this program to all seeking a great career in the Pharmaceutical Industry