York College / City University of New York
Mokrue, Kathariya

Mokrue, Kathariya

Associate Professor

Behavioral Sciences

Phone: 718-262-2691
Office Location: AC-4D06D
Email: kmokrue@york.cuny.edu

Evidence-based interventions such as cognitive behavioral therapies and mindfulness-based stress reduction program have been demonstrated to be very effective in reducing common problems such as depression, anxiety, insomnia and disordered eating and improving quality of life for many.  Interventions are brief, problem-focused, and very cost-effective compared to traditional psychotherapies or medication.  Yet, many individuals (e.g. ethnic minorities, immigrants, elderly) do not seek or receive this quality care.  My research focuses on modifying these interventions for use among underserved and overlooked populations, addressing barriers, and improving access to such care.

Another area of research is on the mental health care inequities among individuals with Limited English Proficiency and leveraging language interpreters' role.

Office Hours

By appointment only


PhD Rutgers University Clinical Psychology 2003 
MS Rutgers University Clinical Psychology 2000 
BA Hunter College-CUNY Psychology  

Areas of Expertise

  • Feasibility and effectiveness of modified empirically-validated treatments and interventions for anxiety and depressive disorders for delivery in non-traditional settings
  • Employment of mobile technology to improve adherence of skills use in “Stress-less at York”, a mindfulness-informed cognitive behavioral skills group I developed to reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression
  • Understanding barriers and improving mental health service utilization among underserved/understudied groups
  • The role of mindfulness meditation in emotion regulation, impulse control and executive function
  • Death studies and emotional flexibility
  • Mental health care inequities among individuals with Limited English Proficiency

Publications in Field Of Expertise
