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Dinsman, Melissa

Dinsman, Melissa

Associate Professor


Phone: 718-262-2525
Office Location: AC-2B10

Melissa Dinsman is Associate Professor of English and author of Modernism at the Microphone: Radio, Propaganda, and Literary Aesthetics During World War II (Bloomsbury 2015) and co-editor of Mid-Century Women's Writing: Disrupting the public/private divide (Manchester UP, 2024). Her research focuses on WWII women writers, the politics of the domestic, and information networks. Dinsman is currently at work on her next book project, which explores the ways British women writers sold WWII to the American public. With her colleague, Heather Robinson, Dinsman also writes about Violet Hunt, a forgotten interwar female writer. Some of Dinsman’s most recent work can be found in English Language Notes, Women's Writing, and Feminist Modernist Studies.

Office Hours



PhD University of Notre Dame Literature 2013 
MA University of York Modern Literature 2006 
BA University of Nevada, Las Vegas English and German 2003 

Areas of Expertise

  • 20th-Century British and American Modernism
  • World War II Literature
  • Media Studies

Publications in Field Of Expertise
