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Williams, Shawn

Williams, Shawn

Associate Professor and Chair

Health Professions

Phone: 718-262-2907
Office Location: SC-107G

Shawn Williams, DC, Ph.D., MBA is an Associate Professor, Academic Chair, and Program Coordinator of Health Science at York College – CUNY’s School of Health Science and Professional Program, Department of Health Professions. Dr. Williams is also a research scientist at the U.S. Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine (USARIEM) - Military Performance Division. Dr. Williams has obtained sub-specialty clinical certifications in Functional Medicine, Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization, and Clinical Biomechanics of Posture. His scholarly works are in holistic health, public health, and health promotion/prevention - and his interests include theoretical contributions to regeneration medicine, occupational stress/burnout, and examining the role of complementary/alternative healthcare within the more extensive healthcare system (organization, financing, utilization, practice/provision, policy).

Office Hours

Zoom Office Hours: Mondays and Wednesdays 10am-12pm Meeting ID: 833 9274 5299  Passcode: 078051


MBA William Paterson University Entrepreneurship 2021 
PhD Seton Hall University Health Science (Leadership) 2012 
DC New York Chiropractic College Doctor of Chiropractic 2004 
BS College of Staten Island Biology 2000 

Areas of Expertise

  • Medical and Health Science Educator • Academic Administrator • Certified Functional Medicine
  • Practitioner • Running Coach

Publications in Field Of Expertise
