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From the Margin: Voices in Disobedience - Desde el Margen: Voces en Desobediencia


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Margarita Drago

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Working toward a more connected and communal oriented pedagogy Series II.(Hacia Una Pedagogia Vincular y Comunitaria Serie II) Highlights the work of Latin American women, who are cultural activists.

As part of a visibility program for Latin American women -community activists, cultural agents, writers, poets, performers- Dr. Margarita Drago, together with her students from Spanish 413, Hispanic Civilization, has organized a dialogue panel under the title: “From the margin: Voices in disobedience. Working toward a more connected and communal oriented pedagogy. Series II”. Women from Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Cuba, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, Puerto Rico, and others residing in the United States will speak with students and the public on Saturday, May 14, 2022, at 4:00 PM, ET.  The event will be broadcast live on the EntreTmas Facebook page.


  • Ana Niria Albo [Cuba]
  • Carlota Marambio [Argentina]
  • Irma Pineda Santigo [Mexico]
  • Victoria Colaj [Guatemala]
  • Marielos Olivo [El Salvador]
  • Tere Martinez [Puerto Rico]
  • Bianey Garcia [Mexico-EE.UU.]
  • Elizabeth Neira [Chile]
  • Lucy Cristina Chau [Panama]
  • Marta Leonor Gonzalez [Nicaragua]
  • Maria Evelia Marmolejo [Colombia]
  • Francy Liliana Diaz [Colombia]


Margarita Drago