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Linda Grasso

Six faculty from six departments discuss their scholarship and experience in the York College Faculty Publication Workshop


*RSVP by November 4th / Grab and Go Lunch

Jacob Apkarian, Associate Professor, Behavioral Sciences
Project: Bargaining for the Common Good in Higher Education

Lindamichelle Baron, Associate Professor, Teacher Education
Project: Adelaide Sanford: The Road Taken to the Academic Promised Land

David Hornung, Assistant Professor, Social Work
Project: The War at Home: Exploring the Militarization of Social Welfare Policy

Vincent Alexander Jones II, Assistant Professor, Health and Human Performance
Project: Health Education and Efficacy to Respond to Violence and Other Negative Experiences on Mobile Dating Platforms Among People of Color and Sexual and Gender Minorities

Louis Levinger, Professor, Biology
Project: Fermentative Microbiomes

Tom Marion, Associate Professor, Fine and Performing Arts
Project: Divisions in Voice and Speech Pedagogy and the Body's Call for Unity

Facilitator: Linda M. Grasso, Professor, English