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Department of Health and Human Performance

York Outdoor Living

Outdoor Living courses offered by the Health and Human Performance Department at York College, prepares students for survival skill and a dash of fun while staying in the outdoors. Outdoor Living courses are offered yearly at York College.

Each semester York College's Health and Human Performance Department offer courses in which its students can engage in the outdoor life.  Four times a year students have the option to register for a one credit course that may change the way they view the outdoors.  Listed below are the outdoor living courses offered at York and the corresponding semester:

  • Hiking in the Adirondack Mountains Upstate New York - Spring Semester (April or May) PE 178
  • Canoeing either in CT or DE - Summer Session I (June) PE 170
  • Backpacking and Hiking in the Adirondack Mountains Upstate New York - Fall Semester (September or October) PE 279
  • Skiing in Vermont - Winter Session (January) PE 179

Any student can register for these courses. Outdoor living classes are not exclusive only to Health and Human Performance majors but open to anyone attending York College. Whether it is a matter of receiving one credit for graduation or your affinity for the outdoors, take advantage of learning how to do things right to survive in the wild, on water, or on snow while having fun.

For more information please contact:

Department of Health and Human Performance

YORK HPE Complex

Telephone: 718-262-5100