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Jasmine Bratton-Robinson In Celebration of BHM

In celebration of Black History Month, we are honored to share our community's inspiring stories portraying the Black perspective. We celebrate the culture and tradition rooted in this Black History Month and we are excited to share with the York Community!

Jasmine Bratton-Robinson was born in Brooklyn, NY, and raised in South Jamaica Queens. The only child of Black American parents who worked more than one job, and did double shifts every day. She has never seen her parents take a day off. Their hard work paved the way for her undergraduate studies in Nursing. They taught her that hard work, and determination will always get you far in life. Jasmine recalls watching them and learning that she wanted to work just as hard as they have, in many different ways. “It was with great pride that I went on to be a Registered Professional Nurse, and worked in diverse minority communities with people of a similar background as myself. I'm currently pursuing a doctor of philosophy degree and would be the first in my family to obtain this status. This makes me and my family proud, that despite social and economic challenges, I was able to overcome, and live my dreams while being of service to the community.”

Jasmine’s story and family history remind us of the great sacrifices that were made for many of us to be here today. Thank you, Jasmine, for sharing this beautiful story during Black History Month.