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NY State Senator to Address York Class and More

The York College Political Science and Sociology programs are once again inviting a New York State political leader to address their students.

“We are inviting New York State Senator Toby Ann Stavisky (D-Flushing) as part of our York State Senator Series,” says Dr. Jacob Apkarian (Sociology).  “She will be presenting to students enrolled in Introduction to Law, the Political Science internship class, and any other members of the York community that wish to join.”

According to Professor Apkarian, the series, which began in spring of 2019 with Senator Leroy Comrie (D-St. Albans) as its first guest, followed by Senator Robert Jackson (D-Harlem) in fall of 2019, is intended to “provide students with a future in policymaking direct access to leading state politicians.  The Political Science and Sociology programs provide opportunities for students to learn more about their government, and this lecture series gives them a chance to learn from and directly speak with policymakers.”

Due to the COVID pandemic, the Senator Speaker Series has now transitioned to the virtual space. According to Apkarian, for the rest of the York community, it is a wonderful opportunity “to meet (albeit virtually) our legislators.  Senator Stavisky plays a major role in public higher education legislation and so she will be able to provide our community with some insight into recent and future legislation that directly affects us.”

Senator Stavisky was invited by Dr. Apkarian and Dr. Robin Harper (Political Science). The senator’s talk will be followed by Q&A to discuss the role of the New York Senate’s Higher Education Committee in recent public higher education legislation, and other issues affecting students of CUNY. The event is open to all and will take place on Thursday, November 18 from 1:00 – 2:00 pm at State Senator Series.