

Rosetta Ross In Celebration of BHM

Our student, Rosetta Ross, sharing her story of ambitions and dreams, continuing to strive!

"My name is Rosetta Ross. I'm a graduate student from LaGuardia community college. I believe that education is better than silver and gold so I decided to continue my education at York College as a social worker. My ambition and dream are to work with people on a professional level. For several years I've focused my career path on the pursuit of learning and developing important skills necessary to play a great role in society. As a personal mission, I will strive to empower and improve other life circumstances."

"I grew up in Guyana Berbice and migrated to the USA because my mom is living here. I have three kids ranging from 16 to 6. I have three sisters and no brother, I'm the third one to graduate from college. life was not what I expected after my mom left. Things became difficult and the situation turned into Trauma raising by this and that cousins. Going to school was hard, so I dropped out in 11 grade to focus on my younger siblings. When I migrated to the USA one of my motives and mission was to get an education and take back control of my life. The first thing I did was write my GED. It takes me many tries to get my GED. Thank god for my persistence."

"Immediately I signed up for college knowing what would be the outcome. Plus I was tired of working from paycheck as a security guard than as a bus matron. Looking at situations in the USA, To enhance my life I know I would have to change my mindset by learning how to study and take of three kids. Also, I was hungry to be educated and to prove to my mom even though she was not there and I mess up as the eldest,I still have an opportunity in the USA to make life a bit more livable. On June 20th, 2020 my dream come through. I graduated from LaGuardia community college as a Human Services and mental health. Pursuing my dream to be a social worker would be one of my great accomplishments. It will enhance my career so I can provide a better life for my kids also to set an example to show them that having an education is one of the most powerful weapons blasting with confidence."

"Life is a challenge for me every day, especially with this new virus covid. I believe anyone can make a difference and that the reason I motivate my kids daily that education is better than silver and gold."

Thank you for sharing your story Rosetta!