Political Prisoner Memoir Translated
Dr. Margarita Drago's powerful memoir is translated into Italian.
Dr. Margarita Drago, York College Professor of Spanish, continues to share her insights and experiences around the world. Her powerful memoir documenting lifechanging and haunting experiences during her five years as a political prisoner in two Argentine prisons – Fragmentos de la Memoria. Mi Vida en dos Batallas/Fragments from Prison. My Life in Two Battles – was just translated into Italian under the title Frammenti della Memoria. La Mia vita in Due Bataglie, published by Officine Pindariche Editore, Salerno, Italy. The book was translated by Rita Tartaglione and curated by University of Salerno Professor Rosa Maria Grillo.

This newly-revised and expanded edition incorporates a love story lived in prison – an act condemned by prison authorities, the national institutions, and society. Dr. Drago, originally from Argentina, has published widely and Fragmentos de la Memoria was declared of national and cultural interest by the Honorable National Congress of the Republic of Argentina. As an expolitical prisoner and writer, she has represented Argentina in congresses in the United States, Brazil, Perú, México, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Honduras, El Salvador, Canada, Spain, and France. She is a faculty member of York’s World Languages, Literatures and Humanities Department in the the College's School of Arts and Sciences.