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9/11 Remembrance Day

This morning, York’s Department of Public Safety held a wreath-laying ceremony in the courtyard of the A-CORE building to commemorate the 23rd anniversary of 9/11 and pay tribute to the lives of so many people lost that day.

Some 23 CUNY Public Safety Recruits, Chief James Assmann, fellow York safety officers dressed in ceremonial uniforms, interim York College President Claudia Schrader, and members of York’s faculty, staff, and students attended the annual memorial event. They stood at attention and saluted for a moment of silence at 8:46 a.m. when Flight 11 crashed into the World Trade Center’s North Tower. All passengers aboard were instantly killed, and employees of the WTC who were trapped above the 91st floor. The safety officers held a moment of silence again at 9:03 a.m. when Flight 175 crashed into the WTC’s South Tower. All passengers aboard were killed instantly, as well as an unknown number of people in the tower.

President Schrader, Chief Assmann, and Lt. Carlos Suarez shared their thoughts and experiences relating to 9/11 with those who attended the memorial.