

York Professors: Global Influence at the United Nations

Perspectives Shared at High-Level Summit Event

(Left to Right) Prof. Patricia Haggler, York College Coordinator, History and Black Studies; Ms. Merly Baalan - CEO, Women's Federation for World Peace International UN Relations Office (WFWPI); Attorney Abigail Binay, Mayor, Makati City, Philippines; Prof. Remi Alapo, York Adjunct Assistant Professor, Cultural Diversity and Black Studies; and UN Rep, WFWPI Dr. Elaine Duval: UN Rep, WFWPI

York College History Department Professors Patricia Haggler and Remi Alapo participated in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Summit High-Level Town Hall side event organized by the Women’s Federation for World Peace (WFWPI) Office for UN Relations – NY on the topic: UN and Local Government Initiatives to achieve the SDGs. The program included an information session on UN and local government initiatives geared towards achieving the SDGs.  

I thought it was interesting that Abigail Binay, the Mayor of Makati City, Philippines talked a great deal about the urbanization of her city.  The issues that she raised, such as transportation and water, are quite similar to the same discussions that are being had in cities here in the U.S. including New York. - Professor Dr. Patricia Haggler

Throughout the week, there were clear calls for the global community to recommit to the Sustainable Development Goals and increase financing to ensure their realization. The event provided a platform for collecting feedback from stakeholders especially the civil society and fostering thoughtful discussions, collaborative sessions, and networking with individuals who share a deep commitment to creating a more sustainable and equitable future.  

At a session during one of the "spotlight initiatives" at the SDG Action weekend on Sunday September 16, 2023, on "ending violence against women and girls," there were calls for seeking “more partner funding” to continue to work on the program and other activities around the world on the gender equality and equity. - Professor Dr. Remi Alapo  

As the UN approached the midway point of the UN 2030 Agenda, this event holds special significance in terms of civil society’s ongoing commitment to fostering the active engagement of government leaders, academe and civil society members to accelerate the achievement of the SDGs. 

Summary adapted from Women’s Federation for World Peace International, UN Relations Office