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Sarwar, Jahed

Sarwar, Jahed

Senior College Laboratory Technician
Sr. Systems Administrator | Head of Library IT Support Desk & FWS Supervisor

Phone: (718) 262-5218
Office Location: AC-3G01B

Having specialized in information technology and library science, Mr. Sarwar is a specialist in leveraging technical resources to enhance academic operations. His role as liaison between York College Library and Information Technology Department facilitates strategic collaboration between academics and IT administrators. Maintaining information technology infrastructure, ensuring reliable connectivity, integrating library resources with electronic vendors, and enhancing digital access are among his responsibilities. It is his responsibility to supervise Federal Work-Study (FWS) students in Library Tech Support and improve operational efficiency. Mr. Sarwar also serves as York College CUNY's representative on both the OLS System Advisory Committee, which deals with issues affecting all libraries, and the University Faculty Senate, which deals with issues specific to all campuses. The College Library uses Mr. Sarwar's expertise to conduct the Academic Program Review Self-Study and compile annual statistical reports as well. He actively supports institutional goals and advocates for innovative staff solutions through his relationships with PSC-CUNY and cross-campus CLT union representatives.

Office Hours

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday9:00 am- 5:00 pm (On-Campus)
Wednesday9:00 am - 5:00 pm (Remote work)


MBA Brooklyn College, The City university of New York Business Administration and Information Systems 2024 
certificate The Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI Program) HSR for Social & Behavioral Faculty, Graduate Students & Postdoctoral Scholars 2020 (Record ID 24441169) 
MLS Queens College, The City university of New York Library and Information Science 2017 
MS Brooklyn College, The City university of New York Information Systems 2012 
BS York College, The City University of New York Information Systems 2003 

Areas of Expertise

  • Supervision of work study students
  • Applications and software for academic use
  • Hardware and IT platform proficiency.
  • Systems for cloud computing and networking
  • Support for remote desktop connections
  • Library automation and management

Publications in Field Of Expertise
