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The Career Services Internship Directory was created to provide information on internship and job opportunities.
Congressional Reps Help York Students Gain Fortune 500 Internships
Khanna Lands Tech Jobs Partnership with Schwab, York College, Rep. Meeks
Applying For Federal Jobs
Hosted by Dolores Garcia from Department of Labor.
CUNY Tech Prep Info Session
Join CUNY Tech Prep (CTP) for an info session at York College! CTP is a free, year-long program available to CUNY students that includes:
Thurgood Marshall College Fund Information Session
York Students are invited to an Information Session for the 2022 Thurgood Marshall College Fund Information (TMCF) Leadership Institute.
TMCF Information Session
The Thurgood Marshall College Fund is dedicated to connecting students to great careers, and utilizing our talent sourcing services to jumpstart your career and benefit the employer.
Career Services
York College Career Services Partners in your success
Wells Fargo Webinars Fall 2018
Wells Fargo Webinars Fall 2018
COOP Workshop Secrets to an Effective Cover Letter
Participants will get a taste of a "hustle" workshop by learning the purpose and understanding the elements of dissecting a job description and engaging in your own personal reflection of your skill set to craft an effective cover letter. This is a hybrid event
Applying for Federal Jobs
Learn how to effectively compete and apply for federal jobs with the Department of Labor
Leadership Programs Info Session
Leadership programs: America Needs You, Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities & Thurgood Marshall College Fund.
Resume Workshop Hosted by AIRBNB
Learn about CUNY Tech Prep and get some expert resume advice from a University and Programs Recruiter @ Airbnb
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Hiring Webinar
Ever thought of working in the Federal Government?
Google Technical Interview Workshop
Brush up on your interview skills - tips, tricks, and live interview demo
Health Professions Career Fair
Speak with representatives from healthcare organizations and agencies.
LinkedIn Connect to Opportunity
An event dedicated to building your personal brand and improving your LinkedIn profile.
LinkedIn Online Education
York College provides all students, faculty, and staff with free access to the vast collection of instructional video resources of LinkedIn Learning. Drop-In to learn more!
Resume Workshop
Do’s and dont’s of resume writing, we will review your resume so you can begin your career search!
Resume Workshop for Career Fair
Do’s and dont’s of resume writing, we will review your resume so you can begin your career search!
Career Services Open House
career services open house weeks of welcome open house sept. 6th-9th
CUNY Cultural Corps
CUNY Cultural Corps, creates opportunities for CUNY students to work in the City’s cultural sector.
Goldman Sachs
Goldman Sachs
Pre-Med/Dental General Info Meeting
Dr. Criss, York's pre-medical and health career advisor, will be hosting a general information meeting for students interested in a career in the health professions. ALSO: PRE-MED CLUB FORMING. DETAILS WILL BE DISCUSSED AT MEETING.
Pre-Med General Information Meeting
All Are Welcome! Join Dr. Criss, York’s Pre-Med Advisor, For An Informative Discussion About What It Takes To Get Into Medical (Dental, Osteopathic, Podiatric, Optometry, Etc) School.
Info Sessions: Graduate Schools (CUNY, SUNY and Private) and Leadership Programs
Attend our Leadership Info Session on programs along with opportunities offered by America Needs You, the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities, Gumbo University and the Thurgood Marshall College Fund.