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Academic Affairs

Conflicts of Interest Policy (for PHS-funded and non-funded research)

Conflicts of Interest Policy (for PHS-funded and non-funded research).

CUNY Conflict of Interest Policy

Conflicts of Interest in PHS-funded Research

The revisions to these regulations change the requirements concerning the disclosure and review of financial conflicts of interest involving Public Health Service (PHS) funding, introduce requirements and review of financial conflicts involving PHS funding, introduce requirements for monitoring compliance and specify review requirements for non-compliance.

A Financial Conflict of Interest (FCOI) is defined as a Significant Financial Interest that could directly or significantly affect the design, conduct, or reporting of PHS-funded research.

In this website you will find a number of documents and standardized Financial Conflict of Interest Disclosure Forms which must be completed by all CUNY investigators applying for PHS funding. These regulations also apply to collaborators and consultants sharing responsibility for the design, conduct or reporting of PHS-funded research, and must be shared with them.

Using these forms, all disclosures of Significant Financial Interests have to be submitted to the College Grants Officer, Ms. Dawn Hewitt, who can be reached at or at 718-262-2060. A copy of these forms should also be supplied to the College Conflicts Officer (CCO). The CCO for York College is Assistant Provost Holger Henke (2H07). He can be reached at or at 718-262-5338.

Conflicts of Interest in non-PHS funded research