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Department of Health Professions

Tuition and Fees

Tuition and Fees for the Physician Assistant Program at York College.

PA Program Tuition and Fees are equivalent to the Graduate Tuition and Fees schedule as published in the York College Bulletin. Tuition and Fees are subject to change by action of the Board of Trustees of The City University of New York at any time. The tuition and fees schedule for the PA Program is as follows:

Effective Fall 2024

Graduate Tuition

NY State Resident

Non - NY State Resident

Full-Time Students

$5,545 per semester

$855 per credit

Summer and Winter Semesters

$470 per credit

$855 per credit

Total Tuition For Entire PA Program



Excellence Fee:


Fall Semesters

$800 per semester

Winter Sessions

$0 per semester

Spring Semesters

$800 per semester

Summer Sessions

$800 per semester

Total Excellence Fees For Entire PA Program


Graduate Contact Hour Overage Charge

NY State Resident

Non-NY State Resident

HPPA 502 Physical Diagnosis Lab I



HPPA 504 Clinical Anatomy



HPPA 520 Pharmacology I



HPPA 522 Physical Diagnosis Lab II



HPPA 528 Clinical Medicine I



HPPA 534 Diagnostic Studies



HPPA 540 Clinical Correlations Seminar I



HPPA 542 Clinical Medicine II



HPPA 546 Clinical Medicine III



HPPA 552 Clinical Correlations Seminar II



HPPA 556 Clinical Skills



9 Clinical Rotations



Total Graduate Contact Hour Overage Charge For Entire PA Program



PA Program Course


HPPA 500 Introduction to ePortfolio

$130 Didactic Phase Fall Semester

HPPA 502 Physical Diagnosis Lab 1

$110 Didactic Phase Fall Semester

HPPA 504 Clinical Anatomy

$110 Didactic Phase Fall Semester

HPPA 506 Applied Medical Sciences

$60 Didactic Phase Fall Semester

HPPA 522 Physical Diagnosis Lab 2

$110 Didactic Phase Spring Semester

HPPA 524 Pathophysiology

$160 Didactic Phase Spring Semester

HPPA 530 Evidence-Based Medicine

$105 Didactic Phase Spring Semester

HPPA 540 Clinical Correlations Seminar I

$55 Didactic Phase Summer Semester

HPPA 552 Clinical Correlations Seminar II

$55 Didactic Phase Fall Semester

HPPA 554 Emergency Medicine

$105 Didactic Phase Fall Semester

HPPA 556 Clinical Skills

$260 Didactic Phase Fall Semester

9 Clinical Rotations @ $240 per Rotation

$2,160 Clinical Phase Winter, Fall, Spring, and Summer

Total Course Fees For Entire PA Program


The University Fees:


Association, Consolidated, Technology, and University Student Government Fees

$213.60 Fall / $88.95 Summer

Total University Fees For Entire Program


Total Tuition and Fees

NY State Resident

Non-NY State Resident

Total Tuition For Entire PA Program



Total Graduate Program Excellence Fees



Total Contact Hour Overage Charges



Total PA Program Course Fees



Total University Fees



Total Tuition and Fees



PA Program Books and Equipment Expenses:

Approximate Cost

Equipment Expenses

Approximately $700

Books: Didactic Phase

Approximately $300

Books: Clinical Phase

Approximately $200

Health Screening and State-Specfic Trainings

Approximately $300

Total Estimated Books and Equipment Expenses

Approximately $1,500

Estimated Total Cost

NY State Resident

Non-NY State Resident

28 Months PA Program



Additional Information

Potential Fees Prior to Matriculation:
CUNY York College Application Fee: $75
CUNY Transfer Student Application Fee: $70 (approximately)
CUNY York College Physician Assistant Program Commitment Deposit:$250
(commitment deposit will be applied to your tuition)
Potential Maintenance of Matriculation

NY Resident $215 per semester; Non-NY State Resident $350 per semester

Withdrawal / Refund Policy

Refund Schedule

Fall and Spring Semesters

Withdrawal before the scheduled opening date of the session

100 %

Withdrawal in order to register at another unit of The City University during that semester

100 %

Withdrawal within one week after the scheduled opening date of the session

75 %

Withdrawal during the second week after the scheduled opening date of the session

50 %

Withdrawal during the third week after the scheduled opening date of the session

25 %

Withdrawal after the completion of the third week of the session


NOTE: The date on which the Change of Program and/or the Withdrawal is submitted to the College, through CUNYFirst or the Registrar's Office is considered the withdrawal date, not the last date of attendance in class. It is the official date of the student's withdrawal and will serve as the basis for computing any refund granted to the student.

Fees are not refundable.

Please refer to the Academic Calendar for further information.