York College Arts Gallery

York College Arts Gallery

York College Art Gallery presents

Temple of Psyche

October 6 - December 9, 2022

Eleni Zaharopoulos, the winner of the inaugural Jamaica Summer Artist Residency has converted the gallery into a studio to continue her Temple of Psyche project

The artist will regularly be on hand in as she continues her residency in an improvised studio. Students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to engage and ask questions.

Working with ephemeral materials like discarded calendars, found objects, and a storehouse of pandemic-era delivery boxes, The Temple of Psyche explores the endurance and fragility of the human soul as it flails like an inflatable tube man in today’s unpredictable, gloriously f*cked-up world.

Borrowing from Greek Orthodox methods of devotion and remembrance, the exhibit will feature both small objects and larger-scale sculptures inspired by “tamata”, symbolic votive offerings often depicting human conditions in need of supernatural intervention, and “kandylakia”, roadside shrines erected in memory to lives lost in accidents commonly sighted throughout Greece. The Greek cultural tradition of showing reverence through adornment will play throughout the exhibit.

Exhibition Programming

Rescheduled Artists Talk: Thursday, December 8, 12-2pm @ York Gallery
Closing Reception: Thursday, December 8, 6-8pm @ York Gallery

Eleni Zaharopoulos on the Temple of Psyche