Aviation and Aeronautics Academy
The JFK Redevelopment Aviation and Aeronautics Academy at York College (JFKR AAA) aims to expose local youth to science, technology, engineering, and math concepts related to aviation, aeronautics, and airport management, as well as to introduce them to leadership and career opportunities in the industry.
About us
In partnership with York College, the JFKR Aviation & Aeronautics Academy will provide approximately 700 students with aviation-related educational opportunities throughout the school year.
York College is strategically located between the two busiest airports (JFK and LaGuardia) and ready to leverage this unique opportunity to bring STEM outreach and aviation-industry related awareness to the community children and youths. Historically, York has been a long-standing highly effective, and demonstrated STEM provider since 1999 via NASA SEMAA and NASA MUREP. York has always enjoyed corporate support to expand the K1-12 STEM Program to the community by incorporating programming language, coding, cybersecurity, etc. The corporate partnerships involved AT&T, Con Edison, and National Grid. Being in southeast Queens, one of the most diverse boroughs in the nation, this new free STEM Program will fulfill one of the most important community needs - educate, train, retain local children and youths in aviation and ensure future workforce development.
K1-12 Session Information
Classes will be offered three times a year (Fall, Spring, and Summer). Fall and Spring K1-12 sessions will be on four Saturdays (9am to 3pm). Four and six-week-long Summer classes will be Monday-Friday (9am to 3pm) for grades 6-12.
Spring 2025 Session
- Dates: March 1, 2025 - March 22, 2025
- Day: Saturdays only
- Time: 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Applications are now closed. We are not accepting new applicants at this time.
Applicants should check their emails for any updates regarding their application.
Stay tuned for more information regarding the Summer 2025 session.
The JFK Redevelopment Aviation and Aeronautics Academy at York College recognizes the need to increase the number of women and minorities in the aviation industry. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, only 9.2% of all aircraft pilots and flight engineers were women, 95.7% were white, 2.6% were Black, 1.6 % were Asian, and 9.7% were Hispanic or Latino in 2022.

Academic Core Building
Room: 2F09
Office: 718-262-2580
Email: jfkrstemacademy@york.cuny.edu