Domestic Violence Advocacy

CARES ACT event 3

YorkSAVES is an initiative for students to empower other students to create and maintain healthy relationships, take a stand toward ending sexual assault and domestic violence, and minimize the impact of such events on survivors.

Mental Health Domestic Violence Specialist,  Marie Ange Richard, MSW leads the York SAVES Peer-led Domestic Violence Advocacy Program and hosts 2 bi-weekly support circles on Intimate Partner Violence in the LGBTQI+ community and another on Handling stress, social anxiety, loneliness, and isolation

Office Hours: Wednesdays & Thursdays at 1 pm.

CARES ACT event 2

CARES ACT event 1

Join a Support Circle!

Support Circles bring students together to express, connect, empower, and build community with guidance from peers and/or group facilitators.