Open House: Nursing Program April 3rd
If You Are Interested In Nursing Programs At York College These Open Houses Will Provide Essential Information
Select The Open House Based On Your Status:
Generic- Students who wish to become a nurse
Transfer- Students who are transferring courses from other colleges
RN to BS- Registered nurses who wish to complete their BSN degree.
- Generic Wednesday 3-28-2012 4 to 6 pm Science Nursing Lab 103
- Generic Wednesday 4-25-2012 1 to 3 pm Science Room 133
- Transfer Tuesday 4-3-2012 1 to 3 pm Science Nursing Lab 103
- Transfer Monday 4-23-2013 10 am to 12 noon Science Nursing Lab 103
- RN to BS Tuesday 5-1-2012 10 AM to 12 N Science Nursing Lab 103
- RN to BS Thursday 5-10-2012 1 to 3 pm Science Room 133