What is the Academic Calendar and where I can find it?
The Academic Calendar displays every important date within the semester (start of term, registration, campus closures, end of term, etc.). It can be found on the Office of the Registrar webpage under Academic Calendar. Dates are subject to change without prior notification so continue to check the college website for the latest information.
What is CUNYfirst?
CUNY’s Fully Integrated Resources & Services Tool, known officially as CUNYfirst, is the enterprise resource solution that allows CUNY students to move seamlessly through any and all CUNY campuses as they pursue their higher educational callings as well as connecting faculty and staff to tools to support their processes.
How do I claim my CUNYfirst account?
New student users can activate their new account by logging onto the York College website and select "Current Students" on the top right corner. In the drop down menu select "CUNYfirst". Then select "New User" and begin the activation process.
How do I update my contact information in CUNYfirst?
Students can view and update some of their information (Preferred Name, Other/Preferred Email, Home/Business Phone, Home/Mailing/Business Address, Emergency Contacts, Ethnicity) directly in their CUNYfirst Student Center. Click on the Profile tile in Student Center, then click he appropriate link to update.
Some details such as legal name change, SSN update, and Permanent Address cannot be updated directly by the student in CUNYfirst. For such changes an applicable Registrar form, supporting documentation and photo identification must be uploaded to the York College Registrar Portal. The Office of the Registrar will update CUNYFIRST within a few business days after complete application(s) is received.
What is Schedule Builder?
Schedule Builder is a real-time class scheduling tool that enables students to plan and register for courses that meet their schedules and other needs. With this tool, students can easily arrange class schedules that fit their personal and academic lives.
What is DegreeWorks?
DegreeWorks is a web-based academic advisement and degree audit program. DegreeWorks generates an easy to read degree audit that takes the courses from a student's transcript and applies them to fulfill degree requirements for a student's general education, writing intensive, major, and minor as defined in the college bulletin. It is recommended that a student check their DegreeWorks audit monthly due to updating of records.
Who do I contact if there is an issue with DegreeWorks?
To submit questions about DegreeWorks or report any issues experienced with DegreeWorks, visit the York College DegreeWorks support webpage or send an email to degreeworks@york.cuny.edu.
How do I request my official transcript?
You can request a transcript online with Parchment.
How do I request my unofficial transcript?
Students can download their unofficial transcript in their CUNYfirst Student Center. In Student Center, click on the Transcript and Verification tile. Click the Submit button. Click on the View All Requested Reports tab/page. Check off the box that shows a Request Date of today, then click on the View Report button. You must enable pop-ups on your browser to open any PDF from CUNYfirst.
How do I obtain an official Enrollment Verification letter?
Students can come in to the Office of the Registrar during our In Person office hours to request the official letter with Registrar signature and seal. Student can also email our office at registrar@york.cuny.edu if unable to come into the office to request an enrollment verification letter. When making the request via email include your full name and CUNYfirst id. Also include if the letter is to be emailed to an official business email address or mailed to the student's home address.
Students can also download an unofficial letter in their CUNYfirst Student Center. In Student Center, click on the Transcript and Verification tile. Click on the Request Enrollment Verification page on the left, choose York College within the Academic Institution field. Select each check box for specified additional information to be included on the letter. Select the desired term, then click on the Submit button. This letter is not official since it will not have the college seal or the signature of the Registrar.
What is an ePermit?
ePermit facilitates the process of matriculated CUNY students obtaining permission from their Home College to register for courses offered at other CUNY Colleges (Host). In order to receive permission from their Home College, a student must meet certain requirements for eligibility. The ePermit application is accessible through the student's CUNYfirst account.
Please note that approval of an ePermit by the Home College does not automatically register a student for a course nor does issuance of an ePermit guarantee enrollment at the Host College. Once approved, student must register directly through their Schedule Builder at the assigned enrollment appointment of the Host College.
What are the requirements to apply for an ePermit?
Students must currently be matriculated at York College with all immunization requirements met.
Student must have a cumulative and major GPA of 2.0 or above.
Students must not have any negative service indicators on their records. (This includes Advisement and Bursar holds.)
Students must have completed any required pre-requisite(s) for the York College equivalent course.
Students must have completed one full semester at York College unless if you are a CUNY BA, Macaulay Honor or ROTC student.
Can I apply for an ePermit at any time?
No, an ePermit can only be applied for once a student's enrollment appointment date and time has been assigned. The ePermit application process usually closes seven days before classes begin for the semester. If students have any questions or concerns contact the Office of the Registrar-ePermit Unit at epermit@york.cuny.edu.
Does an ePermit only apply to CUNY schools? Can I take an ePermit at a Non-CUNY school?
Yes, an ePermit only applies to CUNY Colleges. However, a student can apply for a Non CUNY Permit by contacting the ePermit Unit at epermit@york.cuny.edu or by going to York College Office of the Registrar webpage and under Forms retreive the Non CUNY Permit Application. The back of the application has the eligibility and requirements needed to apply for the permit.
How do I apply for an ePermit?
1. Log into your CUNYFirst account. Click on “Student Center”.
2. Select the “Academic Records” tile.
3. On the left side of the page, select “ePermit” from the list.
4. Click on “Add ePermit with Equiv Courses” from the drop down.
5. In the Search for Courses field enter the Course and Course Number (example: ACC 101).
Then click on the Arrow at the right-hand side of the tab or Click on Enter.
6. Click on the desired course and course number.
7. Click on “fetch equivalent CUNY courses”.
8. Review the listing of Host campuses before selecting One Host campus.
9. Then you will need to Select the Host Term. Then select the Host Session and in the Request epermit column change
the No to Yes.
10. Then click on “apply for ePermit” at the top of the page to begin the application request process.
11. The application page will appear and you will select the "Permit Type" from the drop down. Review how the course will fulfill your degree requirement in Degree Works. Then select your permit type from the options below.
CUNY Baccalaureate-student in an individualized program within CUNY
Major Elective- a course that fulfills the student major/minor requirement
General Elective- a course that does not fulfill the student Pathways or major/minor requirement
Pathways College Option-course used to fulfill the general education requirement
Pathways Flexible Core-course used to fulfill the general education requirement
Pathways Required Core-course used to fulfill the general education requirement
Study Abroad-a course taken through the Host College at a foreign institution
12. In the Comments field, the student can leave a message for the ePermit Unit. This field is optional.
13. Then click “Submit” at the top right-hand side of the application
14. After submission, refresh and go to My ePermits. Slide the view permits from N to Y. The permit status will change to Initiated.
15. Your status will be updated with a decision from York College’s ePermit Unit within 5 business days except during high volume periods when it may take up to 7 business days. You will need to log back into your CUNYfirst account to check the status of the permit.
How can I check the status of my ePermit after I have applied?
To check the status and review the decision of an ePermit application:
Login to CUNYfirst and navigate to Student Center --> Academic Records tile --> ePermit (from the menu on the left).
Select Term and College. The college is always York.
Select "My ePermit"
Then select the term(Summer, Fall or Spring and Academic Year)and York College. Change the view permits from N to Y.
Click on the course you'd like to review the status
Select "Continue"
The ePermit application will appear and a comment from York College ePermit Unit will be noted in the eRegistrar Comments field.
If your status has been updated to "Approved" click on the radio button in the left column of the approved permit to review the decision. Read the comment to make sure the course equivalent and credits are correct. Allow the Host College up to 5 business days before you contact them to inquire about an enrollment appointment. The host campus will assign your enrollment appointment in your CUNYfirst Student Center account. If you do not receive a communication or unable to view your enrollment appointment, it will be necessary for you to contact the Host Campus E-permit Unit.
If you encounter issues while attempting to register, you must contact the Host Campus E-permit Unit for assistance immediately.
If your status has been updated to "Denied" click on the radio button in the left column of the denied permit to review the decision. Make the correction and resubmit another application.
How do I register for an ePermit I was approved for?
The student should receive notification via their enrollment appointment in the CUNYfirst Student Center account from the Host campus. If the student has not received notification within 5 business days after an approval from York College the student should inquire at the Host College. To register for the course just go into your CUNYFirst -Student Center-Scheduler Builder and register the same way you do at York College except the host campus must be the institution.
If I have a hold on my record can I apply for an ePermit?
If you have a negative service indicator (Stop or Hold) on your record, you must clear it with the office that placed the hold and have them remove the hold on your record before you can apply for the permit.
How many courses can I take on ePermit?
There is no limit, except for the standard 18-credit limit each semester. Students can take a combination of both ePermit and York College courses. Any student wishing to exceed the 18-credit limit for a particular term must petition the Committee on Academic Policy and Standards(CAPS) to obtain permission for excess credits.
Can I repeat a course on ePermit?
Students can repeat a course on permit, but will only receive credits for the course once. Both grades are calculated in the student's GPA. However, course(s) and grade(s) on permit cannot be used towards the "F" policy unless repeated at the same institution where the original course(s) was failed.
Which school do I pay the tuition to for an ePermit?
Payments for the tuition of your ePermit course(s) is made to the Home College(York), NOT the Host College. York College will add a billing code to your enrollment to reflect the amount of credits of the ePermit course(s) at the Host College(s), i.e. PERM 3 is for a 3-credit course. Course(s) for which material fee(s) are applied or any late registration fees for enrollment in this course(s) are charged and must be paid by the student to the Host College. Students eligible for Financial Aid are to apply through their Home College(York) and are responsible for meeting any credit load requirement.
How can I cancel an ePermit course?
To make sure you are not billed for courses you do not intend to take please make sure you drop them prior to the first day of the term/session. In order to successfully cancel an ePermit course, students must drop the course registration at the host campus, cancel the ePermit via CUNYfirst and allow the ePermit Unit at York College 2-3 business days to process the cancellation.
To cancel an ePermit application:
Log into your CUNYFIRST account
Go to your “Student Center” and click on the “Academic Records” tile
Select “ePermit” (from the menu on the left)
Select “My ePermits”
Then select the term/session(Summer, Fall or Spring and Academic Year) and York College. Change View permits from N to Y.
Select the ePermit that you wish to cancel then click Continue
At the top right of the form click on Cancel.
Once you have cancelled the permit request, allow the ePermit Unit at (your home campus) York College up to 2 business days to update your CUNYFIRST account.
For more information and/or assistance, contact the Office of the Registrar-ePermit Unit at epermit@york.cuny.edu. In addition, contact Financial Aid at finaid@york.cuny.edu to see how canceling your ePermit will impact your aid.
If I am having a problem with ePermit who can I contact?
If you are having trouble with ePermit, please feel free to email us at epermit@york.cuny.edu or connect with one of our representative during Registrar office hours.
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
What does FERPA stand for?
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) also known as, the Buckley Amendment is a federal law designed to protect the privacy of education records, to establish the right of students to inspect and review their education records, and to provide guidelines for the correction of inaccurate and misleading data through informal and formal hearings. The Act applies to all institutions that are recipients of federal aid administered by the Secretary of Education. Students who are currently enrolled or formerly enrolled regardless of their age or financial dependency status are protected under FERPA. For more information, read the CUNY FERPA Notification to Students.
What is directory information?
Directory information can be defined as the following: students name, attendance dates, home address, present address, email address, phone listing, date and place of birth, photograph, status (full/part-time and or undergraduate/graduate), degree program, credits completed, major, student activities and sports, previous school attended, and degrees, honors and awards received. This information may be released to anyone unless restricted by the written authorization of the student. If you wish to restrict this information, please contact the Office of the Registrar at registrar@york.cuny.edu.
What can I do to prevent my directory information from being released?
Students who wish to keep their directory information from being released must fill out the CUNY Directory Information Non-Disclosure Form. By filling out this form, you may request that any or all directory information not be released without your prior written consent. You can submit this form to the Office of the Registrar via the document upload.
If I would like a parent, spouse, and or family member to have access to my record, what form should I fill out?
If students wish to provide other individuals(s) access to your record(s), the student must complete the FERPA Authorization Form and upload the form along with photo identification to the Office of the Registrar portal. The person(s) you are providing access to must provide proper photo identification when requesting information.
If I am a parent of a college student, do I have the right to see my child's education records, especially if I pay the bill?
The rights under FERPA transfer from the parents to the student, once the student turns 18 years old or enters a postsecondary institution at any age. However, although the rights under FERPA have now transferred to the student, a school may disclose information from an "eligible student's" education records to the parents of the student, without the student's consent, if the student is a dependent for tax purposes. Neither the age of the student nor the parent's status as a custodial parent is relevant. If a student is claimed as a dependent by either parent for tax purposes, then either parent may have access under this provision.
What if my child is a minor and he or she is taking classes at a local college while still in high school, do I have rights?
If a student is attending a postsecondary institution at any age, the rights under FERPA have transferred to the student. However, in a situation where a student is enrolled in both a high school and a post-secondary institution (i.e. College Now and York Early College Academy students), the two schools may exchange information on that student. If the student is under 18, the parents still retain the rights under FERPA at the high school and may inspect and review any records sent by the postsecondary institution to the high school.
What if I want to give an employer, a parent, or third party access to my record?
If a student decides to allow a person (s) and or third-party access to their student record, the student must complete the FERPA - Permission for Access to Educational Records form. Students can submit their completed form to the Office of the Registrar via the document upload.
Can College Officials disclose part(s) of my record without my consent? If yes, under what circumstances?
There are several exceptions to FERPA's general prior consent rule that are set forth. One exception is the disclosure of "directory information" if the school follows certain procedures set forth in FERPA. Under section § 99.31 of FERPA, students are able to review the various exceptions/ circumstances as per FERPA regulations.
What should I do if I notice any discrepancies in my student record?
If there are any discrepancies with the student's file, the student may ask the college to amend their record. Students should submit to the Registrar, Dean, Head of the Academic Department, or other appropriate officials, written requests that identify the record(s) they wish to inspect. If the records are not maintained by the college official to whom the request was submitted, that official shall advise the student of the correct official to whom the request should be addressed.
All requests shall be granted or denied in writing within 45 days of receipt. If the request is granted, you will be notified of the time and place where the records may be inspected. If the request is denied or not responded to within 45 days, you may appeal to the college's FERPA appeals officer. Additional information regarding the appeals procedures will be provided to you if a request is denied.
Who should I contact if I have any questions or concerns?
Students are required to apply for graduation on CUNYfirst one semester prior to their expected final semester. See the College Academic Calendar for exact application deadline date. Students should seek advisement from their major department prior to applying for graduation, in order to ensure that they have taken the courses required for their major and are using the correct catalog. Graduate level students will be able to apply once they have completed more than half of their program(students in the MSW accelerated cohort will apply a few months after admissions).
How many credits do I need in order to apply for graduation?
In order to apply for graduation, undergraduate students must have completed a minimum of 90 credits (Senior). At the end of every semester, all new seniors are made eligible to apply online for graduation.
How do I apply for graduation?
Students can apply for graduation on CUNYfirst via the Student Center or Self-Service. Click on the "Apply for Graduation" link in Self-Service OR Select "Apply for Graduation" from the drop-down menu in your Student Center (as shown below). AND Follow the prompts/links until you hit the green "Submit Application" button.
Step 1: Sign onto your CUNYfirst account and select the "Student Center" tile.
Step 2: Scroll down to select the "Graduation" tile.
Step 3: Verify that your major is correct and select from the available graduation terms. Then select "Continue".
Step 4: Verify that your major and graduation term is correct. Then select "Submit Application".
Step 5: You have successfully applied for graduation.
What happens after I apply for graduation?
After you successfully submit your application for graduation, the Office of the Registrar will review your York College transcript to identify your outstanding degree requirements. This Graduation Checklist will be emailed to your York email account(typically prior to the start of your final semester). In the event that you have not received this Graduation Checklist prior to the start of your final semester, please contact the Graduation Unit in the Office of the Registrar at registrar@york.cuny.edu. You should consult your major department for advisement.
What are the degree requirements for my major?
The degree requirements are listed in the York College Bulletin (Undergraduate and Graduate) which is available online. You may also access your degree requirements on Degree Works(the student advisement audit system through the CUNYfirst "Student Center"). The requirements for your degree are taken from the bulletin which is in effect at the time you were matriculated and declared your major. Bulletins begin in the fall semester and end in the spring semester. Students who become matriculated in the summer term must follow the fall catalog of that year.
What is the Major Residency requirement?
At least half of the credits of most* major program must be taken at York College. (*Exceptions include: Accounting which requires 15 credits in Accounting courses must be taken at York, Finance which states 15 credits in Finance courses at York, and Nursing majors which 25 credits in Nursing courses at York.)
Repeated courses and courses taken outside of York College through ePermit do not count towards residency.
What is the College Residency requirement?
Students are required to complete at least 40 credits at York College for residency. To graduate with honors, at least 56 credits must be taken at York College.
How many Liberal Arts credits are required for graduation?
To earn a Bachelor of Music degree, students are required to complete 30 credits in Liberal Arts courses. To earn a Bachelor of Science degree, students are required to complete 60 credits in Liberal Arts courses. To earn a Bachelor of Arts degree, students are required to complete 90 credits in Liberal Arts courses. This is a New York State Education Department requirement that MUST be completed.
What GPA is required for graduation?
Most majors require a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 for major and overall GPA. Clinical Laboratory Science majors require a 2.5 GPA. Social Work majors require a 2.7 GPA. Occupational Therapy, Public Health, all Teacher Education majors, and all Graduate-level programs require a 3.0 GPA.
What grade point average (GPA) does an undergraduate need in order to graduate with honors?
Meet the College's residency requirement of 56 credits.
Computation of Graduation Honors will be based on all grades of A+ through F. NC, R and all failing grades will be calculated as F grades, including repeated courses with the Exclude Credit and GPA repeat code (CUNY F-grade policy).
How many majors and minors can I declare?
There is a limit of two majors and/or minors a student can declare. However, a course cannot be used to complete two different requirements (major/minor). For example a Biology major could not complete a Chemistry minor because each requires CHEM 231, 232, 233. If a student chooses to major in disciplines offering different types of degree (for example History [BA] and Biology [BS]), the student will only earn one degree based on their primary major.
Can I earn two degrees at the same time?
No. Students with more than one major will only earn one degree based on their primary major. Only students in the Occupational Therapy program will receive two degrees (Bachelor of Science and Master of Science).
Will the diploma show my major?
Bachelor's diplomas do not show the major, only the degree type. The transcript will display any declared major(s) and minor(s). Master's diplomas will show the major and the degree type.
The degree requirements have changed since I entered the York College. Will that affect my graduation?
Possibly. If a student stops attending the college for more than one consecutive semester, that student will be required to follow the current bulletin for Pathways General Education requirements upon re-admission. If a student stops attending the college for more than two consecutive semesters that student will also be required to follow the current bulletin for major requirements upon re-admission. Continuing students who have not missed any semesters can continue to follow the bulletin for the academic year in which they declared their major and were matriculated.
How many credits do I need to earn a degree at York?
Undergraduate Students are required to complete a minimum of 120 credits for a Bachelor's degree. Waivers of courses do not release students from acquiring the total number of credits required to earn a degree.
Graduate students must complete all required courses. Aviation(MS) 30 credits; Clinical Trial Management 36 credits; Pharmaceutical Science and Business 36 credits; Physician Assistant 87 credits; Social Work (1-year Accelerated) 36 credits, Social Work (2-year program) 62 credits.
Is it possible for me to graduate in one semester and complete the courses required for my major during the following semester?
No, ALL degree requirements for ALL declared majors and minors must be completed at time of graduation.
Can I graduate if I have an incomplete (INC/PEN) grade in the semester that I apply and/or expect to graduate?
Students cannot graduate with an incomplete (INC/PEN) grade on their record. The graduation term would be postponed to the following term if the final grade is not received prior to the conferral date. If a change of final grade form is not received by the deadline on the Academic Calendar then the grade will be changed to an FIN, which will affect the cumulative GPA and may negatively impact eligibility for graduation. If unsure of deadline to respond please contact the Office of the Registrar Student cannot be assigned a retroactive conferral date.
Can I graduate without the posting of my ePermit course?
No. All grades must be received for any course(s) taken on ePermit whether or not the course(s) is a degree requirement.
Can I receive a grade change after graduation?
No. Once a student has been granted a degree, grade changes for courses taken in semesters prior to receiving the degree are not permitted. If any student expects to receive a grade change, please notify the Graduation Unit in the Office of the Registrar immediately at registrar@york.cuny.edu.
Can I improve my GPA after graduation?
No. Once a student has been conferred a degree, their undergraduate degree GPA will be frozen. Any additional classes taken after the conferral date will be applied towards the student's new degree GPA.
I missed the deadline for submitting my application for graduation online. Will I still be able to apply for that graduation term?
Yes, any student who missed the deadline and has registered for ALL degree requirements must first apply online for the next available graduation term in their CUNYfirst Student Center then contact the Graduation Unit in the Office of the Registrar (from your York email account) at registrar@york.cuny.edu one month after the start of their final semester to request that their application for graduation be switched to the current term. We will accept late applications up until one month prior to the degree conferral date. After then, a student must apply to graduate in the following graduation term.
I applied late for the Spring graduation term; can I still attend the commencement ceremony?
Yes. Student Activities will be notified to add a student's name to the list. A student's name may not appear in the commencement booklet depending on how late the student applied. Attending the ceremony does not mean that the student has graduated. The commencement booklet refers to all students as "Candidates" which means that students might possibly earn their degree that year. The office of the Registrar will certify a student's graduation status after all final grades have been posted.
My major department plans to substitute or waive a major/pre-major/minor requirement(s), when should the department submit the request?
Ideally, the department should submit a memo to the Office of the Registrar formerly requesting this change shortly after advisement and a discussion with the student. Requests should be submitted to the Office of the Registrar no later than one month prior to the graduation date.
Why do I have a Registration Hold for Potential Graduate?
This hold is assigned to all applicants who are deemed okay as registered for graduation in the current term. It is a good hold to have as it indicated that you just need to complete your last set of enrolled courses to graduate. It is there to prevent future enrollment and gets removed a few semesters after a student has graduated.
Can I choose to defer my graduation to a later term?
Yes, contact the Graduation Unit in the Office of the Registrar (from your York email account) at registrar@york.cuny.edu. Provide your EMPL ID#, the semester and year in which you have currently applied, the semester and year in which you want to change it to, and a brief sentence(s) explaining the reason for the request. Alternatively, you can complete the Application to Defer Graduation form and submit it along with your photo ID to the York College Secure Document Registrar Portal. Once processed, the Registration hold and any lists which identify students as a potential graduate will be removed.
What is the difference between graduation (conferral) and commencement?
Students graduate at the point when every degree requirement has been fulfilled. There are four conferral dates each year: Fall (January 1), Winter (February 1), Spring (June 1), Summer (September 1).
Commencement is a ceremony held once a year for all candidates for graduation of that academic year. The commencement date is published on the Academic Calendar of the Spring semester.
Can I pick up my diploma at the college?
The diploma pick up option is no longer available. Students who have graduated on or after Spring 2020 (June 1, 2020) will have their diplomas mailed to their “Home Address” listed in CUNYfirst approximately two months after the degree conferral date. Once the diplomas have been ordered, Parchment (York's diploma vendor) will send an email to your preferred email address and text message (if your Mobile number is entered in CUNYfirst) with information on how to access your digital diploma. This email will also indicate that your printed diploma will ship within a few weeks from the date of the email.
I graduated prior to June 2020 and my diploma was shipped to the college due to personal request or financial hold, when can I pick up the diploma?
Such former graduates who did not pick up their diploma and do not have any financial hold(s) currently on their record should email the Office of the Registrar at registrar@york.cuny.edu with a copy of their photo ID to schedule a pick-up date.
If unable to pick-up, the student's email should specify a mailing address for the diploma to be shipped to. The diploma usually ships out within 1 week of the request.
I graduated and have not received my diploma, who can I contact?
Recent graduates must wait at least 2 months for delivery of their diploma. If the diploma has not been received two months after your graduation date, then please contact the Office of the Registrar at registrar@york.cuny.edu.
Will I receive my diploma if I have hold on my account?
A Financial Aid exit interview hold will prevent a graduate from receiving their diploma. If the exit interview has not been completed and the negative service indicator has not been released, the diploma will not be released by Office of the Registrar. Bursar and library holds no longer prevent the release of the diploma nor transcript.
When can I request a transcript?
When placing the order, be sure to select "Hold for Degree" to prevent the transcript from being printed until after the degree is posted. Transcripts with the degree posted on it are typically available within 3 weeks after the graduation date.
How can I order a duplicate copy of my diploma if I misplaced the original?
There is a $30 fee per duplicate diploma requested. If ordering more than one diploma, please adjust the quantity accordingly. Information on accessing your digital diploma will be sent to you by email and mobile text (if cell phone number was provided on order) once the order is placed within 2 weeks. Printed diploma will be mailed to the address provided within 6 weeks from order date.
Alumi who HAVE NOT yet created a Parchment account can order by visiting Parchment and creating an account.
Alumi who HAVE created a Parchment account can order by logging into their Parchment account.
How can I order a duplicate diploma with my current legal name?
Students must complete the Personal Data Change Form and upload the necessary supporting documentation to the York College Secure Document Portal. After you receive confirmation from the Office of the Registrar that the name was updated in CUNYfirst, then you can submit the "Duplicate Diploma" form.
When can I request a letter of completion?
Once all of your grades have been posted in CUNYfirst, you can formally request a letter of completion from the Office of the Registrar at registrar@york.cuny.edu. These requests can take up to 5 business days for processing so plan accordingly. Enrollment verification letters with the degree posted on it are typically available within 2 weeks of the graduation date.
International Students
How do I stay in status?
Student will remain in status by registering for 12 or more credits every semester and maintaining a GPA of 2.0 or higher.
What happens if I go out of status?
Students that are out of status will be in the US illegally and will be reported to the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).
Can I work on campus?
Yes, students can work on campus however, not for no more than 20 hours per week.
Can I work off-campus?
Yes, only in your related field of study. Be sure to visit the DSO for more information.
Do I qualify for lower tuition?
No. International students pay out-of-state tuition.
Can I leave the US to visit my home country or go on vacation?
Yes. As long as classes are not in session and your I-20 is signed by the Designated School Official (DSO). If there is an emergency in your home country, please contact Michelle Sabio at msabio@york.cuny.edu for further information.
What is readmission?
Readmission is when a student who has been previously enrolled at York College takes a break of one or more semesters and decides to return to the college.
What is the criteria and process to readmit?
Undergraduate students whose cumulative GPA was 2.0 or higher when last in attendance at York College can apply for readmission on the York College website. Student must download and complete a Readmission Application and upload it to the York College Secure Document Registrar Portal along with photo ID.
However, if your cumulative GPA was below a 2.0 when last in attendance at York you must petition the Committee on Academic Policy and Standards(CAPS) for permission to readmit. Once a student's petition is reviewed, the Committee will send notification to the student of their decision. Once approved by the Committee, the student can submit a copy of the approval along with a completed Readmission application.
What can I do if I was academically dismissed?
If you did not stop attending York College but received notification that you were dismissed and wish to return, then you must petition the Committee on Academic Policy and Standards (CAPS) to appeal the dismissal. Once a student's petition is reviewed, the Committee will send a notification to the student of their decision. If approved by the Committee, the Office of the Registrar will reinstate the student in CUNYfirst within one week so that the student can register for the next semester.
Do I need to pay a fee when I readmit?
Yes. There is a $20 non-refundable Readmission fee.
When does Registration begin and end for each term?
Students can start registering during their assigned enrollment appointment for the term. To view your assigned enrollment appointment date and time, click on Schedule Builder tile in your CUNYfirst Student Center. Appointments for he next term are usually assigned two months after the start of the current semester.
How can I register for my classes on CUNYfirst?
Step 1:Login to CUNYfirst to access your Student Center via the CUNYfirst Menu.
Step 3: Click on the Semester (eg. Fall 2022, Winter 2023, etc)
Step 4: Courses can be added to your schedule by:
typing them into the Select Course field;
importing/selecting missing degree requirements directly from Degree Works Audit or Plan;
Advanced Search. (eg. searching for Spring courses, be sure to specify Regular Academic Sessions. If you do not, then the search will retrieve courses that take place during Winter Session in early January.)
Advanced Search allows the student to search for all courses offered in a specific: Subject, Course Attribute (Writing Intensive, Zero Textbook Cost, etc.), Pathways Core Requirement Designation, Session (Winter), Keywords (instructor name, course title). The more information that you provide in the Advanced Search, the more limited the results, so you should consider using just one category at a time. Once you click the Search button, the results will appear in the right. Check off the box next to the course that you wish to add, then click on the Add Selected Course button on the bottom left-hand side./
Step 5: Block out times on the Calendar you cannot take courses to create the ideal schedule that will fit your availability.
Step 6: If you click on Class Details toggle button, Schedule Builder will show detailed information on each course that you selected:
Step 7: The available class schedules will show. If there is more than one schedule available you can use the arrows to see available options.
You can also view the calendar to see the overall dates for these courses at the bottom of the page and there will also be an indicator if some classes are online.
You can also narrow down the multiple schedule results by pinning a specific class/section(s) that you like. Click the course on the grid if you wish to pin that specific section. A red pin will appear. Schedule Builder will then show you every schedule combination that works with the section you pinned and the other classes that you selected. Unclick that section if you wish to see all of the sections for that course again.
Once you have found the schedule that you like, click the blue Get this Schedule button to proceed to Enrollment.
Step 8: Click Do Actions to Enroll:
You should get a result of "Success" indicating you are officially enrolled.
How do I swap courses?
Please follow the steps on pages 25 and 26 of the Schedule Builder guide or view a brief CUNY instructional YouTube video on how to swap course(s). Any changes made on the first day of classes for the semester or after will incur fees. After the end of the first week of classes, students will no longer be able to add courses for that term.
How can I drop or withdraw from a course?
Please follow the steps on page 24 of the Schedule Builder guide or view this brief CUNY instructional YouTube video on how to drop a course(s). Any changes made on the first day of classes for the semester or after will incur fees. Drops made after the first week of the semester will receive a withdrawal grade: WD grade if dropped in the second and third week of the semester; W grade if dropped after the third week of the semester up until the day before finals begin.
What should I do about the message I received when I registered?
Scenario 1: A student attempting to enroll in a course in which they have not enrolled or completed all of the required prerequisites in a prior semester: The system will not allow you to register for this course. This error message is accurate.
If you are an incoming transfer student and are transferring in the pre-requisite(s), contact the Office of the Registrar at registrar@york.cuny.edu.
If you are a continuing student, contact the appropriate academic department if you believe that you should be able to take this class. If the department agrees, they will assign Class Permission in the system so that you can register for it.
Scenario 2: A student enrolling in a course for the next semester while currently enrolled in its required pre-requisite(s) in the current semester: The system will allow you to register for this course now, but will provide the following message about conditionally satisfying the pre-requisite(s).
If you have not successfully completed all of the required pre-requisite(s) within 2-3 weeks of the first day of classes of that next semester, then the Office of the Registrar will drop you out of that course(s) and any connected co-requisites during the Post Enrollment Requisite Check(PERC). We will send you an email to inform you once the process has occurred. An incomplete grade in the prior term is not considered complete for a pre-requisite during the PERC process. The PERC process is only run 2-3 weeks before the start of the Spring and Fall semesters.
Scenario 3: A student wising to repeat a course that they have already earned credit for before will receive the message below.
The system does not prevent students from enrolling in a repeated course. Student cannot receive additional credit for this course and it will not count towards the student's full-time eligibility for NY State Financial Aid (TAP, Excelsior, etc). Student should consider swapping this course with another ne consult their academic advisor if needed.
Scenario 4: A student attempting to register for a course requiring department consent.
Student must contact the department for Class Permission to b entered in CUNYfirst so that the student can register for the course.
Scenario 5: Student's registering for a closed section will receive the following error message.
Student must contact the department to see if it is possible to join this closed section. If the department approves, they will assign Class Permission in CUNYfirst so that the student can register for the course.
How do I know when courses are closed on CUNYfirst?
On the registration page, students will find a legend informing them of sections that are open, closed, or if they need to waitlist. Below is the legend:
Can I register for classes, if I have "Hold(s)" on my account?
There are certain "Negative Service" indicators (holds) that can prevent students from registering for their classes. Below are some Negative indicators that can prevent students from registering:
Students with negative service indicators will notice a red icon at the top of their student services page. Students with negative service indicators should review their "Holds" on their Student Center page. Students reviewing their holds will see one or more items listed, such as the example below. Keep in mind students who attended other CUNY schools will see holds from their prior institution:
2. Students reviewing their holds will see one or more items listed, such as the example below. Keep in mind students who attended other CUNY schools will see holds from their prior institution:
3. If students want more information pertaining to their hold, they can click on the active blue links under the "Hold Item" column and review their hold and know which office they can speak to. Below is an example of what students will see:
I would like to re-take a course, is this possible?
Yes. If a student has passed a course(s) and want to re-take the course(s) for a better grade, they can re-take the course(s). Students will not receive credit for re-taking the course. However, both grades will always appear on the student's transcript and computed into the cumulative GPA. In addition, if receiving financial aid, you should inquire how re-taking course(s) can impact aid.
How do I add courses to my shopping cart?
Here's how to add courses to your CUNY shopping cart:
Click the Select Class button to view class preferences
Click Next to add the class to your shopping cart
Click Shopping Cart to view your cart
If I place my courses in the shopping cart, does that guarantee that I have a seat in the class?
No. Students adding courses into their shopping cart has not secured a seat for classes. Placing the courses in the shopping cart simply assists students with knowing which course, section, time and date they want to take the for the semester.
Second Degree Students
How do I apply for a second degree at York College?
York graduates must submit a transfer application to apply for a second degree with the Admissions Office. Please contact the Office of the Admissions at admissions@york.cuny.edu if your have any additional questions about second degree.
What is Second Degree Residency?
At least 75% of the course requirements of the major program of the second degree must be completed at York during the second degree. This generally prohibits the student from earning two degrees from the same academic department.
How many transfer credits will I receive from my first degree?
Students will receive 80 transfer credits from their first degree to be applied towards their second degree. Even if courses were taken during a first degree at York College, they will be considered as transfer credits during their second degree.
How many credits will I need to take to earn my second degree?
Students must complete at least 40 credits at York College during their second degree for College Residency. Depending on courses transferred from the first degree and the major requirements of the second degree, it is possible that you may need to take more than 40 credits to complete this second degree.
Student Records
Would I be able to make copies of any documents on file?
No. Once student records are sent from Admissions to the Office of the Registrar, all documents become College property.
A TAP recipient must be enrolled in at least 12 credits applicable towards the primary degree requirements to be considered eligible for TAP. A student who is registered full-time (12 credits or more), but does not enroll in 12 credits applicable towards the degree will NOT be eligible for TAP.
What is APTS?
Aid for Part-Time Study (APTS) is NY State financial aid for matriculated, part-time undergraduate students. Part-time status is defined as enrollment in fewer than 12 credits for the semester. To be eligible for APTS, a part-time student must be registered for at least 3 credits in courses applicable towards the degree. The APTS award will pay an amount for each eligible credit.
What is considered an applicable course for NY State Financial Aid (TAP/APTS)?
An applicable course is defined as a course that is required to meet the minimum requirements of the degree based on the student’s primary declared major (General Education, Major, Writing Intensive). The degree requirements will be based on the bulletin of the academic year in which the student declared the major.
Minors and secondary majors are optional. Students are NOT required to declare a minor or secondary major to earn a bachelor’s degree at York College. If a student has declared a minor or secondary major and it will lead the student to graduate with more than 120 credits, then such courses will NOT be considered as applicable courses in their enrollment status for NY State Financial Aid.
TAP applicants are required to be enrolled in at least 12 credits of applicable courses to qualify. APTS applicants are required to be enrolled in at least 3 credits of applicable courses to qualify.
What is the Financial Aid Certification Enrollment Status Date?
This is the date that a student’s enrollment status for the semester will lock in as either full-time or part-time based on their enrollment as of the end of the seventh (7th) calendar day of classes for the semester for financial aid purposes. Any course(s) added after this date will NOT change your enrollment status. Students who did not enroll for at least 12 credits or did not register at all as of this date will NOT be eligible for Financial Aid awards for that given semester.
What is a free elective course?
A free elective is a course that is not required by the General Education or Major requirements, but is necessary to help the student achieve the 120-credit degree requirement. Such courses are eligible for NY State Financial Aid. (Not all majors allow space for free electives.)
What is an excess elective course?
An elective course that is not required for the degree and will result in the student exceeding the 120-credit degree requirement upon graduation. Such courses are NOT eligible for NY State Financial Aid.
What is an out of sequence course?
Taking a course out of sequence means taking a lower level course after having passed a higher-level course in the same subject area. (For example, taking BUS 160 after having passed BUS 201 or any other BUS course at the 200-level or above.)
Do repeated courses count towards enrollment status for NY State Financial Aid?
It depends on your declared major. Most majors do not have a minimum passing grade requirement so any grade of “D” or better is considered an acceptable passing grade. Repeating a course that you had previously passed in those majors would NOT be counted towards a student’s enrollment status for NY State Financial Aid.
However, some of York College’s majors do have a minimum grade requirement (typically “C” or better for professional programs) for certain courses as stated in the bulletin. If the student was accepted into such a program and has declared that major, then the credits from a repeated course would be included in the student’s semester enrollment status for NY State Financial Aid if they had not earned an acceptable passing grade for the program. (For example, the Social Work program at York College requires a grade of “C” or better for all Social Work courses. Any grade below “C” in a Social Work course is deemed as an unacceptable grade for the program. Therefore, the credits from the repeated course would count towards the eligibility for NY State Financial Aid.)
When do I have to declare a major?
An Undeclared student MUST declare their major by the start of their junior year once they have earned at least 60 credits. Juniors who have not declared a major by this deadline will NOT be eligible for any NY State Financial Aid.
The deadline to declare a major for the current term is the 21st calendar date of classes as published in the Academic Calendar.
Are courses towards an intended major eligible for NY State Financial Aid?
No, unless if the courses can be considered as free electives towards your primary declared major. If you have fulfilled the free elective requirement in your declared major, then any courses taken towards an intended major would be considered excess electives and will NOT be eligible towards a student’s enrollment status for NY State Financial Aid.
Are pre-requisite courses eligible for NY State Financial Aid?
It depends on your declared primary major and if the course(s) was listed in the bulletin within the major design.
If your primary major listed the course(s) as a requirement then the course will count towards your enrollment status for NY State Financial Aid.
If your primary major did not list the course(s) as a requirement then the course will only count towards your enrollment status if you have free electives in your degree. Any pre-requisite course that is an excess elective course will NOT be eligible towards a student’s enrollment status for NY State Financial Aid.
Can Winter or Summer courses count towards Spring or Fall eligibility?
No, courses taken during the Winter session do NOT count towards enrollment for the Spring semester for NY State Financial Aid eligibility. Courses taken during the Summer session(s) do NOT count towards enrollment for the Fall semester for NY State Financial Aid eligibility. Please note that FACTS will list Winter and Spring semester courses together, but Winter courses will always be marked as ineligible.
What is FACTS?
FACTS is short for the Financial Aid Certification Tracking System. This system uses information from the DegreeWorks audit (uploaded from CUNYfirst nightly) to identify if courses are required for the degree and eligible for NY State Financial Aid. However, FACTS may incorrectly mark the course eligibility if the student has declared a minor or second major.
4 - On the Application Selection webpage, click on the FACTS link underneath the York College section. (If you have attended multiple CUNY schools, then you will see a DegreeWorks and FACTS link for each school so be sure to select the York College FACTS link.)
5 - Hover the mouse pointer onto the Current Eligibility tab on the top so that the menu drops down.
Within the Current Eligibility tab, click on Summary to be taken to an overview of your current enrollment and course eligibility. The Details page under the Current Eligibility tab provides additional information on progress and pursuit and other TAP eligibility guidelines. (Note: Typically around 2 months after the current semester has started, FACTS will begin referring to the next semester as the current semester and display details for that upcoming semester. At that point you can find any prior semesters under the FACTS History tab.)
6 - To view your Eligibility Status from prior semesters, hover the mouse pointer on the FACTS Transcript tab and select FACTS Transcript History from the menu that drops down.
Once the page loads, choose a semester from the drop-down list, then click the Go button to view that semester’s eligibility status.
Transfer Credits/Evaluation
How is a student's transcript evaluated?
Transcripts are evaluated by the Office of the Registrar-Transfer Credit Unit upon receipt of the student's application from the Admission's Office. Students should allow 6 business days after the receipt of their application, for the completion and posting of the evaluation in CUNYfirst.
In general, credit is granted for a course, which is considered equivalent to a course at York and for which the student received the grade of "D" or better at a CUNY school, or "C" or better at any other accredited non-CUNY institution.
What does "BL" (Blanket Credit) mean?
Blanket credit is assigned when York College does not have a specific course equivalent on file to the course that the student had taken. Student will still be awarded the transfer credits for that course. "BL", "999" and "998" courses can be re-evaluated by the appropriate academic department if you provide them with the course description(s) and/or syllabus.
Blanket credit only counts towards the 120-credit degree and NY State Liberal Arts requirements for your major. Blanket cannot be applied to fulfill any other degree requirement.
How do I get my transcripts re-evaluated?
Students should contact the Office of the Registrar Transfer Unit at transfereval@york.cuny.edu. Re-evaluations may need to be done if your major was changed.
What is CLEP?
The College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) offers exams in which a student can earn college credit upon successful completion. This is an external program outside of York College that is managed by College Board, a not-for-profit organization. Students can receive a maximum of 16 credits through Special Examinations like CLEP.
How do I register for CLEP?
You must first check this York College CLEP Exam equivalency table for a list of CLEP exams that are equivalent to York College credit. College Board offers many different subjects for CLEP exams, but only the exam names listed on the table above will lead to credit at York College. Do not select an exam for which you already have the York equivalent course as you cannot receive additional credits for a course that you had already completed.
To get more information about these exams visit the CLEP website. Prior to registering for a CLEP exam, it is strongly recommended that you contact the Office of the Registrar Transfer Unit at transfereval@york.cuny.edu to confirm that the exam that you plan to take will be acceptable.
When you register for the exam, be sure to select York College (Code 2992) as your Designated Institution so that we can receive an official transcript to be able to award the credits onto your York transcript.
What score is considered passing for CLEP?
Most CLEP exams have an ACE recommended passing score of 50 or better to receive credit. World/Foreign Language exams require a higher score. Visit the CLEP website for a list of credit-granting scores for each CLEP exam.