Presentation Schedule
JSHS Presentation Schedule Junior Science and Humanities Symposium
February 9, 2025
session | Time | Activity | Room |
1 | 8-9:00am | Registration | AC Atrium |
2 | 8:30-8:45am | Greetings Orientation | AC Atrium |
3 | 8:45am-9:15am | Keynote Speech | AC Atrium |
Biomedical Sciences - Group A
session | Time | Activity | Student Name | Room |
1 | 9:30am | 1st Presentation | Barzideh, David | AC 1B03 |
2 | 9:50am | 2nd Presentation | Chen, Jun Ru | AC 1B03 |
3 | 10:10am | 3rd Presentation | Ginzburg, Jeremy | AC 1B03 |
4 | 10:30am | 4th Presentation | Gujja, Misha | AC 1B03 |
5 | 10:50am | 5th Presentation | Horowitz, Lilly | AC 1B03 |
6 | 11:10am | 6th Presentation | I, Sanjana | AC 1B03 |
7 | 11:30am | 7th Presentation | Jain, Mannat V | AC 1B03 |
8 | 11:50am | 8th Presentation | Karp, Noa | AC 1B03 |
9 | 12:10pm | 9th Presentation | Kogan, Joseph | AC 1B03 |
10 | 12:30pm | 10th Presentation | Kumar, Nikita | AC 1B03 |
11 | 12:50pm | 11th Presentation | Kwak, Jinah | AC 1B03 |
12 | 1:10pm | 12th Presentation | Lin, Joshua | AC 1B03 |
13 | 1:30pm | 13th Presentation | Marada, Laasya | AC 1B03 |
14 | 12:30pm-2pm | Remarks | AC Atrium |
Biomedical Sciences - Group B
session | Time | Activity | Student Name | Room |
1 | 9:30am | 1st Presentation | Mathew, Aaron | AC 1B04 |
2 | 9:50am | 2nd Presentation | Nolan, Grace | AC 1B04 |
3 | 10:10am | 3rd Presentation | Park, Eunice | AC 1B04 |
4 | 10:30am | 4th Presentation | Patel, Sonali | AC 1B04 |
5 | 10:50am | 5th Presentation | Pinto, Alaina | AC 1B04 |
6 | 11:10am | 6th Presentation | Qiao, Yilin | AC 1B04 |
7 | 11:30am | 7th Presentation | Ro, Megan | AC 1B04 |
8 | 11:50am | 8th Presentation | Roderick, Severino | AC 1B04 |
9 | 12:10pm | 9th Presentation | Shah, Ashka | AC 1B04 |
10 | 12:30pm | 10th Presentation | Shen, Daniel | AC 1B04 |
11 | 12:50pm | 11th Presentation | Tehseen, Emaan | AC 1B04 |
12 | 1:10pm | 12th Presentation | Wong, Erin | AC 1B04 |
13 | 1:30pm | 13th Presentation | Zeng, Justin | AC 1B04 |
14 | 12:30pm-2pm | Remarks | AC Atrium |
Biomedical Sciences - Group C
session | Time | Activity | Student Name | Room |
1 | 9:30am | 1st Presentation | Zhu, Jonathan | AC 1C02 |
2 | 9:50am | 2nd Presentation | Cassetta, Nora | AC 1C02 |
3 | 10:10am | 3rd Presentation | Chaudhury, Dia | AC 1C02 |
4 | 10:30am | 4th Presentation | Freedman, Dylan | AC 1C02 |
5 | 10:50am | 5th Presentation | Hettleman, Julia | AC 1C02 |
6 | 11:10am | 6th Presentation | Hur (Bxsci), Anthony | AC 1C02 |
7 | 11:30am | 7th Presentation | Hurley (Bxsci), Daniel | AC 1C02 |
8 | 11:50am | 8th Presentation | Jiang, Shirley | AC 1C02 |
9 | 12:10pm | 9th Presentation | Kapoor, Max | AC 1C02 |
10 | 12:30pm | 10th Presentation | Liang, Collin | AC 1C02 |
11 | 12:50pm | 11th Presentation | Mondal (Bxsci), Chidrup | AC 1C02 |
12 | 1:10pm | 12th Presentation | Olszowka, Karolina | AC 1C02 |
13 | 1:30pm | 13th Presentation | Panamserkhang, Tenzin | AC 1C02 |
14 | 12:30pm-2pm | Remarks | AC Atrium |
Biomedical Sciences - Group D
session | Time | Activity | Student Name | Room |
1 | 9:30am | 1st Presentation | Pande, Bansi | AC 1C03 |
2 | 9:50am | 2nd Presentation | Procaccino (Bxsci), Christopher | AC 1C03 |
3 | 10:10am | 3rd Presentation | Qu (Bxsci), Stacy | AC 1C03 |
4 | 10:30am | 4th Presentation | Richter-Sissman, Talia | AC 1C03 |
5 | 10:50am | 5th Presentation | Russo, Eva | AC 1C03 |
6 | 11:10am | 6th Presentation | Soni, Maya | AC 1C03 |
7 | 11:30am | 7th Presentation | Valenciana, Juan | AC 1C03 |
8 | 11:50am | 8th Presentation | Wang, Suri | AC 1C03 |
9 | 12:10pm | 9th Presentation | Wizman, Soleil | AC 1C03 |
10 | 12:30pm | 10th Presentation | Wu (Bxsci), Amanda | AC 1C03 |
12 | 12:50pm | 11th Presentation | Yang, Dan | AC 1C03 |
13 | 1:10pm | 12th Presentation | Zhang , Erica | AC 1C03 |
14 | 1:30pm | 13th Presentation | Zhang, Jayden | AC 1C03 |
15 | 12:30pm-2pm | Remarks | AC Atrium |
Chemistry - Group A
session | Time | Activity | Student Name | Room |
1 | 9:30am | 1st Presentation | Arora, Adais | AC 1C04 |
2 | 9:50am | 2nd Presentation | Chen, Justin | AC 1C04 |
3 | 10:10am | 3rd Presentation | Czoch, Olivia | AC 1C04 |
4 | 10:30am | 4th Presentation | Li, Austin | AC 1C04 |
5 | 10:50am | 5th Presentation | Lin, Matthew | AC 1C04 |
6 | 11:10pm | 6th Presentation | Liu, Ruiqi | AC 1C04 |
7 | 11:30pm | 7th Presentation | Mahiba, Samyra | AC 1C04 |
8 | 11:50pm | 8th Presentation | Randall, Sean | AC 1C04 |
9 | 12:10pm | 9th Presentation | Sharma, Rishul | AC 1C04 |
10 | 12:30pm | 10th Presentation | Smukler, Emily | AC 1C04 |
11 | 12:50pm | 11th Presentation | Smulovics, Tamas | AC 1C04 |
12 | 1:10pm | 12th Presentation | Tae, Ryan | AC 1C04 |
13 | 12:30pm-2pm | Remarks | AC Atrium |
Chemistry - Group B
session | Time | Activity | Student Name | Room |
1 | 9:30am | 1st Presentation | Fuld (Bxsci), Parker | AC 1C05 |
2 | 9:50am | 2nd Presentation | Gao, Benjamin | AC 1C05 |
3 | 10:10am | 3rd Presentation | Greenberg, Liza | AC 1C05 |
4 | 10:30am | 4th Presentation | Guo (Bxsci), Emily | AC 1C05 |
5 | 10:50am | 5th Presentation | Jowata, Maya | AC 1C05 |
6 | 11:10am | 6th Presentation | Kupferberg, Tariq | AC 1C05 |
7 | 11:30am | 7th Presentation | Lim, Albertyne | AC 1C05 |
8 | 11:50am | 8th Presentation | Nguyen, Dustin | AC 1C05 |
9 | 12:10pm | 9th Presentation | O'Brien, Sophie | AC 1C05 |
10 | 12:30pm | 9th Presentation | Pasari, Siddharth | AC 1C05 |
10 | 12:50pm | 10th Presentation | Saji, Gautam | AC 1C05 |
11 | 1:10pm | 11th Presentation | Tran, Mai | AC 1C05 |
12 | 12:30pm-2pm | Remarks | AC Atrium |
Engineering & Technology - Group A
session | Time | Activity | Student Name | Room |
1 | 9:30am | 1st Presentation | Jacuch, Adam | AC 1C06 |
2 | 9:50am | 2nd Presentation | M, Justin | AC 1C06 |
3 | 10:10am | 3rd Presentation | Marin, Terrance | AC 1C06 |
4 | 10:30am | 4th Presentation | Miller, Alexandra | AC 1C06 |
5 | 10:50am | 5th Presentation | Sidhu, Partap | AC 1C06 |
6 | 11:10am | 6th Presentation | Skinner, Sean | AC 1C06 |
7 | 11:30am | 7th Presentation | Su, Emma | AC 1C06 |
8 | 11:50am | 8th Presentation | Tso, Mason | AC 1C06 |
9 | 12:10pm | 9th Presentation | Wasim, Mohammad | AC 1C06 |
10 | 12:30pm | 10th Presentation | Zeng, Fiona | AC 1C06 |
11 | 12:50pm | 11th Presentation | Zhang, Chris | AC 1C06 |
12 | 1:10pm | 12th Presentation | Zhang, Laura | AC 1C06 |
13 | 12:30pm-2pm | Remarks | AC Atrium |
Engineering & Technology - Group B
session | Time | Activity | Student Name | Room |
1 | 9:30am | 1st Presentation | Jacuch, Adam | AC 1C07 |
2 | 9:50am | 2nd Presentation | Henriksson, Nicolas | AC 1C07 |
3 | 10:10am | 3rd Presentation | Iskhakov (Bxsci), Jonathan | AC 1C07 |
4 | 10:30am | 4th Presentation | Kaveri (Bxsci), Pranay | AC 1C07 |
5 | 10:50am | 5th Presentation | Kwon, Jonah | AC 1C07 |
6 | 11:10am | 6th Presentation | Liu, Amy | AC 1C07 |
7 | 11:30am | 7th Presentation | Pogorzelski, Sebastian | AC 1C07 |
8 | 11:50am | 8th Presentation | Ryu, Diana | AC 1C07 |
9 | 12:10pm | 9th Presentation | Sosa, Jada | AC 1C07 |
10 | 12:30pm | 10th Presentation | Zou, Cindy | AC 1C07 |
12 | 12:30pm-2pm | Remarks | AC Atrium |
Environmental Science - Group A
session | Time | Activity | Student Name | Room |
1 | 9:30am | 1st Presentation | Abraham, Samuel | AC 1E02 |
2 | 9:50am | 2nd Presentation | Bonetti, Gregorio | AC 1E02 |
3 | 10:10am | 3rd Presentation | Borruso, Nicholas | AC 1E02 |
4 | 10:30am | 4th Presentation | Fields, Dora | AC 1E02 |
5 | 10:50am | 5th Presentation | Furnell, Amelia | AC 1E02 |
6 | 11:10am | 6th Presentation | Greenberg, Ariel | AC 1E02 |
7 | 11:30am | 7th Presentation | Hannula, Eloise | AC 1E02 |
8 | 11:50am | 8th Presentation | Henderson, Catherine | AC 1E02 |
9 | 12:10pm | 9th Presentation | Jacob, Emma | AC 1E02 |
10 | 12:30pm | 10th Presentation | Jacuch, Chris | AC 1E02 |
11 | 12:50pm | 11th Presentation | Kuhl, Christopher | AC 1E02 |
12 | 1:10pm | 12th Peresentation | Lim, Manfred | AC 1E02 |
13 | 12:30pm-2pm | Remarks | AC Atrium |
Environmental Science - Group B
session | Time | Activity | Student Name | Room |
1 | 9:30am | 1st Presentation | Maciel-Seidman, Benjamin | AC 1E04 |
2 | 9:50am | 2nd Presentation | Matukonis, Tyler | AC 1E04 |
3 | 10:10am | 3rd Presentation | Neri, Timothy | AC 1E04 |
4 | 10:30am | 4th Presentation | O'Neill, Julianna | AC 1E04 |
5 | 10:50am | 5th Presentation | Punzalan, Grace | AC 1E04 |
6 | 11:10am | 6th Presentation | Schoor, Gabriel | AC 1E04 |
7 | 11:30am | 7th Presentation | Simon, Jayden | AC 1E04 |
8 | 11:50am | 8th Presentation | Vira, Aaryan | AC 1E04 |
9 | 12:10pm | 9th Presentation | Zambrotta, Paul | AC 1E04 |
10 | 12:30pm | 10th Presentation | Zhang, Jillian | AC 1E04 |
11 | 1:10pm | 12th Peresentation | Zhao, Emily | AC 1E04 |
12 | 12:30pm-2pm | Remarks | AC Atrium |
Environmental Science - Group C
session | Time | Activity | Student Name | Room |
1 | 9:30am | 1st Presentation | Ardila Holzinger, Luna | AC 1E05 |
2 | 9:50am | 2nd Presentation | Chowdhury, Pretom | AC 1E05 |
3 | 10:10am | 3rd Presentation | Kim, Christian | AC 1E05 |
4 | 10:30am | 4th Presentation | Lin (Bxsci), Jayden | AC 1E05 |
5 | 10:50am | 5th Presentation | Ng, Jazlynn | AC 1E05 |
6 | 11:10am | 6th Presentation | One, Sophia | AC 1E05 |
7 | 11:30am | 7th Presentation | Paul, Aishwari | AC 1E05 |
8 | 11:50am | 8th Presentation | Petrova, Mina | AC 1E05 |
9 | 12:10pm | 9th Presentation | Price, Nathaniel | AC 1E05 |
10 | 12:30pm | 10th Presentation | Sambataro (Bxsci), Riccardo | AC 1E05 |
11 | 12:50pm | 12th Peresentation | Zaman, Muntha | AC 1E05 |
12 | 1:10pm | 13th Peresentation | Zhao, Miranda | AC 1E05 |
13 | 12:30pm-2pm | Remarks | AC Atrium |
Life And Behavioral Science - Group A
session | Time | Activity | Student Name | Room |
1 | 9:30am | 1st Presentation | Bhasin, Bhavika | AC 1E06 |
2 | 9:50am | 2nd Presentation | Cohen, Jackie | AC 1E06 |
3 | 10:10am | 3rd Presentation | Gelman, Ellie | AC 1E06 |
4 | 10:30am | 4th Presentation | Ginsberg, Isabel | AC 1E06 |
5 | 10:50am | 5th Presentation | Gottlieb, Katy | AC 1E06 |
6 | 11:10am | 6th Presentation | Graffagnino, Ilenia | AC 1E06 |
7 | 11:30am | 7th Presentation | Hodyl, Maya | AC 1E06 |
8 | 11:50am | 8th Presentation | Hoshino, Marcus | AC 1E06 |
9 | 12:10pm | 9th Presentation | Huron, Marshall | AC 1E06 |
10 | 12:30pm | 10th Presentation | Iqbal, Fahtima | AC 1E06 |
9 | 12:50pm | 11th Presentation | Jacob, Eli | AC 1E06 |
10 | 1:10pm | 12th Presentation | Jin, Catherine | AC 1E06 |
11 | 1:30pm | 13th Peresentation | Johnson, Abigail | AC 1E06 |
12 | 12:30pm-2pm | Remarks | AC Atrium |
Life And Behavioral Science - Group B
session | Time | Activity | Student Name | Room |
1 | 9:30am | 1st Presentation | Kothari, Krisha | AC 1E07 |
2 | 9:50am | 2nd Presentation | Krinsky, Chase | AC 1E07 |
3 | 10:10am | 3rd Presentation | K-S, David | AC 1E07 |
4 | 10:30am | 4th Presentation | Ku, Isabelle | AC 1E07 |
5 | 10:50am | 5th Presentation | Kundlas, Navrosedip | AC 1E07 |
6 | 11:10am | 6th Presentation | Lee, Chloe | AC 1E07 |
7 | 11:30am | 7th Presentation | Lenson, Riley | AC 1E07 |
8 | 11:50am | 8th Presentation | Leung, Brandon | AC 1E07 |
9 | 12:10pm | 9th Presentation | Li, Sophia | AC 1E07 |
10 | 12:30pm | 10th Presentation | Marshalik, Jane | AC 1E07 |
9 | 12:50pm | 11th Presentation | Myaskovsky, Simon | AC 1E07 |
10 | 1:10pm | 12th Presentation | Newman, Ella | AC 1E07 |
11 | 1:30pm | 13th Peresentation | Pai, Remi | AC 1E07 |
12 | 12:30pm-2pm | Remarks | AC Atrium |
Life And Behavioral Science - Group C
session | Time | Activity | Student Name | Room |
1 | 9:30am | 1st Presentation | Pan, Banghua | AC 2A03 |
2 | 9:50am | 2nd Presentation | Polk, Arielle | AC 2A03 |
3 | 10:10am | 3rd Presentation | Quinn, Loralei | AC 2A03 |
4 | 10:30am | 4th Presentation | Raina, Arleen | AC 2A03 |
5 | 10:50am | 5th Presentation | Rong, Madeline | AC 2A03 |
6 | 11:10am | 6th Presentation | Saitzyk, Christina | AC 2A03 |
7 | 11:30am | 7th Presentation | Santoli, Kate | AC 2A03 |
8 | 11:50am | 8th Presentation | Santos, Ella | AC 2A03 |
9 | 12:10pm | 9th Presentation | Sun, Sarah | AC 2A03 |
10 | 12:30pm | 10th Presentation | Takahashi, Keita | AC 2A03 |
9 | 12:50pm | 11th Presentation | Weseley-Jones, Eli | AC 2A03 |
10 | 1:10pm | 12th Presentation | Ye, Logan | AC 2A03 |
11 | 1:30pm | 13th Peresentation | Yochai, Jayden | AC 2A03 |
12 | 12:30pm-2pm | Remarks | AC Atrium |
Life And Behavioral Science - Group D
session | Time | Activity | Student Name | Room |
1 | 9:30am | 1st Presentation | Eliasson, Anna | AC 2A04 |
2 | 9:50am | 2nd Presentation | Elkin (Bxsci), Claire | AC 2A04 |
3 | 10:10am | 3rd Presentation | Hu (Bxsci), Yuying | AC 2A04 |
4 | 10:30am | 4th Presentation | Ko, Tsz Hang | AC 2A04 |
5 | 10:50am | 5th Presentation | Le, Andy | AC 2A04 |
6 | 11:10am | 6th Presentation | Lief, Allegra | AC 2A04 |
7 | 11:30am | 7th Presentation | Lin, Sarah | AC 2A04 |
8 | 11:50am | 8th Presentation | Loukaitis, Mary | AC 2A04 |
9 | 12:10pm | 9th Presentation | Mahbub, Anika | AC 2A04 |
10 | 12:30pm | 10th Presentation | Mahire, Mahajabeen | AC 2A04 |
11 | 12:50pm | 11th Presentation | Manir, Monara | AC 2A04 |
12 | 1:10pm | 12th Presentation | McCarthy, Gabriel | AC 2A04 |
13 | 1:30pm | 13th Presentation | Mejia, Vanesa | AC 2A04 |
14 | 12:30pm-2pm | Remarks | AC Atrium |
Life And Behavioral Science - Group E
session | Time | Activity | Student Name | Room |
1 | 9:30am | 1st Presentation | Morris, Ellie Mae | AC 2A05 |
2 | 9:50am | 2nd Presentation | Ono, Karen | AC 2A05 |
3 | 10:10am | 3rd Presentation | Parikh, Alisha | AC 2A05 |
4 | 10:30am | 4th Presentation | Pekarsky (BXSCI), Nika | AC 2A05 |
5 | 10:50am | 5th Presentation | Pereira, Ethan | AC 2A05 |
6 | 11:10am | 6th Presentation | Podlaski, Alison | AC 2A05 |
7 | 11:30am | 7th Presentation | Ponda, Akhil | AC 2A05 |
8 | 11:50am | 8th Presentation | Raziel, Michael | AC 2A05 |
9 | 12:10pm | 9th Presentation | Rice, Gavin | AC 2A05 |
10 | 12:30pm | 10th Presentation | Schachner, Eden | AC 2A05 |
11 | 12:50pm | 11th Presentation | Shellira (Bxsci), Julia | AC 2A05 |
12 | 1:10pm | 12th Presentation | Singh, Ayanna | AC 2A05 |
13 | 1:30pm | 13th Presentation | Sooraj, Amy | AC 2A05 |
14 | 12:30pm-2pm | Remarks | AC Atrium |
Life And Behavioral Science - Group F
session | Time | Activity | Student Name | Room |
1 | 9:30am | 1st Presentation | Thai, Chau | AC 2A06 |
2 | 9:50am | 2nd Presentation | Tobar, Emma | AC 2A06 |
3 | 10:10am | 3rd Presentation | Torres, Marcanthony | AC 2A06 |
4 | 10:30am | 4th Presentation | Wan, Margaret | AC 2A06 |
5 | 10:50am | 5th Presentation | Williams, Kendra | AC 2A06 |
6 | 11:10am | 6th Presentation | Wilson, Julian | AC 2A06 |
7 | 11:30am | 7th Presentation | Woods, Christine | AC 2A06 |
8 | 11:50am | 8th Presentation | Xu, Yiwen | AC 2A06 |
9 | 12:10pm | 9th Presentation | Yang, Jeffrey | AC 2A06 |
10 | 12:30pm | 10th Presentation | Ye, Sophia | AC 2A06 |
11 | 12:50pm | 11th Presentation | Zhu, William | AC 2A06 |
12 | 1:10pm | 12th Presentation | Zwiebel (Bxsci), Gabriella | AC 2A06 |
13 | 1:30pm | 13th Presentation | Thai, Chau | AC 2A06 |
14 | 12:30pm-2pm | Remarks | AC Atrium |
Mathematics & Computer Science - Group A
session | Time | Activity | Student Name | Room |
1 | 9:30am | 1st Presentation | Chen, Dean | AC 2B01 |
2 | 9:50am | 2nd Presentation | Costello, Kailyn | AC 2B01 |
3 | 10:10am | 3rd Presentation | Gupta, Anant | AC 2B01 |
4 | 10:30am | 4th Presentation | Jaramillo, David | AC 2B01 |
5 | 10:50am | 5th Presentation | Khurana, Neel | AC 2B01 |
6 | 11:10am | 6th Presentation | Kim, Jonas | AC 2B01 |
7 | 11:30am | 7th Presentation | Kolberg, Evan | AC 2B01 |
8 | 11:50am | 8th Presentation | Lin, Hua | AC 2B01 |
9 | 12:10pm | 9th Presentation | Liu, Tianqi | AC 2B01 |
10 | 12:30pm | 10th Presentation | Liu, Tiffany | AC 2B01 |
11 | 12:50pm | 11th Presentation | Lu, Alex | AC 2B01 |
12 | 1:10pm | 12th Presentation | Xu, Julia | AC 2B01 |
13 | 1:30pm | 13th Presentation | Zhang, Henry | AC 2B01 |
14 | 12:30pm-2pm | Remarks | AC Atrium |
Mathematics & Computer Science - Group B
session | Time | Activity | Student Name | Room |
1 | 9:30am | 1st Presentation | Adedoyin, Adeoluwawumi | AC 2B02 |
2 | 9:50am | 2nd Presentation | Bell (Bxsci), Emma | AC 2B02 |
3 | 10:10am | 3rd Presentation | Bylinsky, James | AC 2B02 |
4 | 10:30am | 4th Presentation | Cai, Vicky | AC 2B02 |
5 | 10:50am | 5th Presentation | DeBenedittis, Stephen | AC 2B02 |
6 | 11:10am | 6th Presentation | Eisenberg, Sophie | AC 2B02 |
7 | 11:30am | 7th Presentation | Frankiv, Vivienne | AC 2B02 |
8 | 11:50am | 8th Presentation | Goldfarb (Bxsci), Isabel | AC 2B02 |
9 | 12:10pm | 9th Presentation | Larilus, Amy | AC 2B02 |
10 | 12:30pm | 10th Presentation | Ma (Bxsci), Ryan | AC 2B02 |
11 | 12:50pm | 11th Presentation | Ma, William | AC 2B02 |
12 | 1:10pm | 12th Presentation | Ma, William | AC 2B02 |
13 | 1:30pm | 13th Presentation | ||
14 | 12:30pm-2pm | Remarks | AC Atrium |
Medicine & Health - Group A
session | Time | Activity | Student Name | Room |
1 | 9:30am | 1st Presentation | Ahmed, Aafia | AC 2B03 |
2 | 9:50am | 2nd Presentation | Alper, Ava | AC 2B03 |
3 | 10:10am | 3rd Presentation | Beers, Morgan | AC 2B03 |
4 | 10:30am | 4th Presentation | Cullin, Ella | AC 2B03 |
5 | 10:50am | 5th Presentation | Hedges, Lauren | AC 2B03 |
6 | 11:10am | 6th Presentation | Joseph, Thomas | AC 2B03 |
7 | 11:30am | 7th Presentation | Kawatra, Devaanshi | AC 2B03 |
8 | 11:50am | 8th Presentation | Lee, Hallie | AC 2B03 |
9 | 12:10pm | 9th Presentation | Levitt, Jack | AC 2B03 |
10 | 12:30pm | 10th Presentation | Liu, Angelina | AC 2B03 |
11 | 12:50pm | 11th Presentation | Mathew, Ashlyn | AC 2B03 |
12 | 1:10pm | 12th Presentation | Minocha, Aarav | AC 2B03 |
13 | 1:30pm | 13th Presentation | Osorio, Natalie | AC 2B03 |
14 | 12:30pm-2pm | Remarks | AC Atrium |
Medicine & Health - Group B
session | Time | Activity | Student Name | Room |
1 | 9:30am | 1st Presentation | Pan, Vivien | AC 2B04 |
2 | 9:50am | 2nd Presentation | Sachdev, Pari | AC 2B04 |
3 | 10:10am | 3rd Presentation | Sattar, Romaan | AC 2B04 |
4 | 10:30am | 4th Presentation | Sethna, Julian | AC 2B04 |
5 | 10:50am | 5th Presentation | Shau, Joleen | AC 2B04 |
6 | 11:10am | 6th Presentation | Tarasenko, Sophia | AC 2B04 |
7 | 11:30am | 7th Presentation | Tong, Zixuan | AC 2B04 |
8 | 11:50am | 8th Presentation | Valle, Jonathan | AC 2B04 |
9 | 12:10pm | 9th Presentation | Wen, Emma | AC 2B04 |
10 | 12:30pm | 10th Presentation | Wong, Maximus (Max) | AC 2B04 |
11 | 12:50pm | 11th Presentation | Xenophontos, Sophia | AC 2B04 |
12 | 1:10pm | 12th Presentation | Xu, Richard | AC 2B04 |
13 | 1:30pm | 13th Presentation | Yemm, Alana | AC 2B04 |
14 | 12:30pm-2pm | Remarks | AC Atrium |
Medicine & Health - Group C
session | Time | Activity | Student Name | Room |
1 | 9:30am | 1st Presentation | Zhu, Sophia | AC 2C02 |
2 | 9:50am | 2nd Presentation | SChawla (Bxsci), Sunay | AC 2C02 |
3 | 10:10am | 3rd Presentation | Chen, Ashley | AC 2C02 |
4 | 10:30am | 4th Presentation | Cipollone, Vanessa | AC 2C02 |
5 | 10:50am | 5th Presentation | Djabre, Grace | AC 2C02 |
6 | 11:10am | 6th Presentation | Gonzales, Annika | AC 2C02 |
7 | 11:30am | 7th Presentation | Lee, Alexander | AC 2C02 |
8 | 11:50am | 8th Presentation | Valle, Jonathan | AC 2C02 |
9 | 12:10pm | 9th Presentation | Lin, Sidney | AC 2C02 |
10 | 12:30pm | 10th Presentation | Ma, Xinran | AC 2C02 |
11 | 12:50pm | 11th Presentation | Mendez, Jaeda | AC 2C02 |
12 | 1:10pm | 12th Presentation | Nikitina (Bxsci), Elisabeth | AC 2C02 |
13 | 1:30pm | 13th Presentation | Patel (Bxsci), Prasangi | AC 2C02 |
14 | 12:30pm-2pm | Remarks | AC Atrium |
Medicine & Health - Group D
session | Time | Activity | Student Name | Room |
1 | 9:30am | 1st Presentation | Phyu (Bxsci), Ingine Lei | AC 2C03 |
2 | 9:50am | 2nd Presentation | Rios, Daniela | AC 2C03 |
3 | 10:10am | 3rd Presentation | Rusconi (Bxsci), Daniela | AC 2C03 |
4 | 10:30am | 4th Presentation | Scheinfeld, Maximilian | AC 2C03 |
5 | 10:50am | 5th Presentation | Seltzer, Alexa | AC 2C03 |
6 | 11:10am | 6th Presentation | Shankman, Sydney | AC 2C03 |
7 | 11:30am | 7th Presentation | Verma, Megha | AC 2C03 |
8 | 11:50am | 8th Presentation | Watanabe, Shoji | AC 2C03 |
9 | 12:10pm | 9th Presentation | Wu, Vanessa | AC 2C03 |
10 | 12:30pm | 10th Presentation | Zejnati, Desara | AC 2C03 |
11 | 12:50pm | 11th Presentation | Zhang, Feiyang | AC 2C03 |
12 | 1:10pm | 12th Presentation | Zheng, Natalia | AC 2C03 |
13 | 1:30pm | 13th Presentation | Phyu (Bxsci), Ingine Lei | AC 2C03 |
14 | 12:30pm-2pm | Remarks | AC Atrium |
Physical Sciences - Group A
session | Time | Activity | Student Name | Room |
1 | 9:30am | 1st Presentation | Ashrafi, Abdullah | AC 2C04 |
2 | 9:50am | 2nd Presentation | Chen, Shuewei | AC 2C04 |
3 | 10:10am | 3rd Presentation | Clarke, Kelly | AC 2C04 |
4 | 10:30am | 4th Presentation | Crowley, Damien | AC 2C04 |
5 | 10:50am | 5th Presentation | Elihu, Julian | AC 2C04 |
6 | 11:10am | 6th Presentation | Josen, Alec | AC 2C04 |
7 | 11:30am | 7th Presentation | Krivitsky, Stacey | AC 2C04 |
8 | 11:50am | 8th Presentation | Laurinavicius, Jack | AC 2C04 |
9 | 12:10pm | 9th Presentation | Levine, Jacob | AC 2C04 |
10 | 12:30pm | 10th Presentation | Lippert, Graham | AC 2C04 |
11 | 12:50pm | 11th Presentation | Lyakhov, Michael | AC 2C04 |
12 | 1:10pm | 12th Presentation | Melconian, Yeraz | AC 2C04 |
13 | 12:30pm-2pm | Remarks | AC Atrium |
Physical Sciences - Group B
session | Time | Activity | Student Name | Room |
1 | 9:30am | 1st Presentation | Paul, Imran | AC 2C05 |
2 | 9:50am | 2nd Presentation | Reichbach, Abigail | AC 2C05 |
3 | 10:10am | 3rd Presentation | Seletskaya, Alexandra | AC 2C05 |
4 | 10:30am | 4th Presentation | Yu, Simon | AC 2C05 |
5 | 10:50am | 5th Presentation | Zhang, Zican | AC 2C05 |
6 | 11:10am | 6th Presentation | Zhou, Zheng | AC 2C05 |
7 | 11:30am | 7th Presentation | Amoils, Daniel | AC 2C05 |
8 | 11:50am | 8th Presentation | Banushi, Enes | AC 2C05 |
9 | 12:10pm | 9th Presentation | Chen, Stacy | AC 2C05 |
10 | 12:30pm | 10th Presentation | Jouvert, Noah | AC 2C05 |
11 | 12:50pm | 11th Presentation | Pathadan (Bxsci), Teresa | AC 2C05 |
12 | 1:10pm | 12th Presentation | Soni, Krisha | AC 2C05 |
13 | 12:30pm-2pm | Remarks | AC Atrium |