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First-Year Experience

FYE Digital Badge

The First Year Experience digital badge acknowledges accomplishments within the first two consecutive semesters of a student’s journey as they enhance their knowledge of the college, embark on career exploration, and learn strategies that are beneficial to academic and professional success. 

Freshmen and new transfer students are eligible to earn an FYE digital badge.

Johanna L. Roldan Edwards
I believe earning an FYE digital badge affirms my commitment to developing the skills I need to be successful in college. The badge reflects my involvement in trainings, professional development, career assessment and events that helped build connection to the college community.  I am excited to continue my education and advance to the next step in my professional journey.

Johanna L. Roldan Edwards,
Digital Badge Recipient

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FYE Digital Badge Registration

Staff will confirm your eligibility and contact you via e-mail to keep you informed of your progress, badge deadlines and other required information for badge completion.

Which digital badge(s) are you interested in?
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ACE FYE Digital Badge

The ACE First Year Experience digital badge is designed for freshmen and new transfer students who are in the Accelerate, Complete, Engage (ACE) program. The digital badge acknowledges accomplishments within the first two semesters of a student’s journey as they enhance their knowledge of the college, embark on career exploration, and learn strategies that are beneficial to academic and professional success. Those who earn the digital badge can add it to their e-mail signature, display it through various social media platforms like LinkedIn and Facebook, and share with future employers.

Participants will earn an ACE FYE digital badge by completing the criteria listed on the checklist. ACE students may choose to earn this badge or the general FYE digital badge.

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Information Literacy FYE Digital Badge

The Information Literacy Badge recognizes students who have developed essential research and information skills during their first two semesters at York College. Master the research process, earn your badge, and confidently complete your assignments. Once earned, you can showcase the badge on your email signature, social media profiles like LinkedIn and Facebook, and share it with future employers.

Participants will earn an Information Literacy Digital Badge by completing the criteria listed on the checklist.