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Welcome to York College Turf Field Rental

The Newly renovated York College Athletic field, track and tennis courts are available for rental and use of the community

A wide-angle view of York College’s sports field and track located in Jamaica Queens


105-34 160th St
Jamaica, NY 11451


Hours of Operations

Public Use

Monday - Friday
8:00 AM - 10:00 AM*
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM*

* Public use hours are subject to change without notice. All users must abide by all college rules and regulations.




Non-profit Rates

For-Profit Rates

Additional Rate Per Hour

Athletic Field


Per 4 Hours




Outdoor Track


Per 4 Hours




Outdoor Tennis Court


Per 4 Hours





Rental Inquiry

Please leave your details so we can contact you.

Rules & regulations of athletic track and field usage

No alcoholic beverages, intoxicants, controlled substances, or tobacco in any form shall be brought onto the College's property. Persons under the influence of alcohol, intoxicants, or controlled substances shall be denied entry and participation in any activity.

  • Food and drink are not allowed in the athletic facility. Only water may be brought into
    the activity areas.
  • Only athletic shoes may be worn on activity floors. Street shoes are not permitted.
  • Containers of ice may not be placed in any of the activity areas.
  • York College personnel will set up and take down bleachers, Basketball Backdrops,
    Volleyball Nets, and other standard equipment.
  • The vendor may not pull on or move the bleachers. York College staff will be responsible
    for setting them up.
  • Children observing an event must have adult supervision at all times. They are not
    permitted to run in the area or be in areas or around equipment not related to the event.