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Office of the Bursar

Tuition and Fees

York College/CUNY Tuition and Fees Information

Effective Fall 2024


New York State Residents

Non-Resident and International Students


$3,465 per semester

$620 per credit


$305 per credit

$620 per credit


$445 per credit

$915 per credit

Online Degree Program

$305 per credit

$350 per credit


New York State Residents

Non-Resident and International Students


$5,545 per semester

$855 per credit


$470 per credit

$855 per credit

Online Degree Program

$470 per credit

$565 per credit

Maintenance of Matriculation

$225 per semester

$370 per semester

Excellence Fee

$800 per semester

$800 per semester

Masters in Social Work

New York State Residents

Non-Resident and International Students



$1,000 per credit


$620 per credit

$1,000 per credit

Excess Hours

New York State Residents

Non-Resident and International Students


$65 per excess contact hour

$85 per excess contact hour

senior citizen

New York State Residents

Non-Resident and International Students


$65 per semester or session plus a  $15 consolidated service fee and technology fee

$65 per semester or session plus a  $15 consolidated service fee and technology fee

Mandatory Fee Schedule

Note: Fees are non-refundable




Enrolled in one summer session

Enrolled in two summer sessions

Consolidated Service

$ 15.00

$ 15.00

$ 15.00

$ 30.00


$ 125.00

$ 62.50

$ 62.50

$ 62.50

Student Activity

$ 72.15


$  10.00

$ 20.00

University Student Senate

$ 1.45

$ 1.45

$ 1.45

$ 2.90


$ 213.60

 $ 131.10

$ 88.95

$ 115.40

Consolidated Services Fee ($15.00) ensures the continuation, expansion, and establishment of critical university-wide services for all students. These services include but are not limited to the external processing of financial aid applications, the immunization program, the job location/development program, system-wide tuition and fee collections by the Office of the University Controller, and the administration of various tests such as the skills assessment tests.

Technology Fee ($125.00 for Full-time students; $62.50 for Part-time) used to improve technology-related services for students and faculty.

University Student Senate Fee ($1.45) is a component of each college's student activity fee to be allocated by the University Student Senate.  

Student Activity Fee ($72.15 for Full-time students; $52.15 for Part-time students) is assessed for student government and other student activities.  Student Activity Fees Breakdown

Excess Hours

Excess Hours ($65 per excess contact hour) are contact hours (class hours) in excess of credit hours. Graduate students taking classes that have more contact hours than credit hours pay an excess contact hour charge.

Online Infrastructure Fee

Online Infrastructure Fee ($75.00) covers administrative costs for students enrolled in fully Online degree programs. All students enrolling in a degree, certificate program or course offered online will be charged $75.00 infrastructure fee each term. This fee is non-refundable and cannot be waived.

Material and Transportation Fees

Material fees may be charged for courses (undergraduate, graduate, and non-degree/non-credit) under circumstances in which the student will own the end product of his or her work when using such materials.

Transportation fees are charged to specific courses that require transportation fee field trips. 

Undergraduate Courses with Material and Transportation Fees (scroll down page)

Graduate Courses with Material and Transportation Fees (scroll down page)

Special Fees

Change of Program Fee - $18  Students are required to pay a fee each time they make certain program changes, (i.e. adding a course or courses, changing from one course to another, and changing from one section of a course to another section of the same course) on or after the first day of classes (except for students who only drop courses), based upon the official CUNY calendar.

Statement of Account Letter - $5 Students may request a letter that details the cost of tuition and fees for a particular semester.

Replacement ID Cards - $10 Students must pay for administrative costs related to the issuance of duplicate documents.

Transcript Fee - $7 per copy. Personal checks are not accepted. There is no charge for transcripts sent to other CUNY colleges. Students interested in ordering transcripts via the web should visit the Office of the Registrar's web page at

Readmission Fee - $20 Students are required to apply for readmission through the Office of the Registrar after an absence of one or more semesters (exclusive of the summer session)shall be required to pay a readmission fee.

Duplicate Diplomas - $30 Students must pay for administrative costs related to the issuance of a duplicate diploma.

"Make-Up" Exam Fee When a student requests an examination at a time other than the scheduled time, and permission is granted by the College, a "Make-Up Exam" fee is charged at the rate of $25 for the first examination and $5 for each additional examination.

Penalty Fees

Late Registration Fee - $25 A charge of $25 is made for registration after the close of the official registration period. This fee is not refundable.

Non-payment Service/Late Payment Fee - $15

Students who are delinquent in paying tuition and fees by the college's established due dates will be required to pay a $15 fee for each missed due date in addition to all other outstanding college obligations.

Returned (NG) Check Processing Fee - $20 per returned check

When a student's check is tendered to the college as payment of liability and the check is not honored by the bank upon which the check is drawn (NG check), the student shall be charged a reprocessing fee. A separate $20 fee will be charged for each check that requires reprocessing. Electronic payments, made through CUNYfirst, that are rejected for any reason will also be charged a reprocessing fee. The student will be required to satisfy the obligations, the returned check processing fee, and a non-payment service fee of $15 for each due date missed.

If a check or eCheck (electronic payment) is returned for any reason, the student's check writing privileges will be revoked.

Important notice of possible changes: Tuition and fees published on this web page are subject to change by action of the Board of Trustees of The City University of New York at any time.


All refunds are subject to the policies of the City University of New York.

Tuition will be refunded 100% for those courses which are canceled by the college.  In accordance with City University of New York (CUNY) policy, no refund will be processed until after all enrollment and change of program activities are completed.

Students who pay their tuition bill and then officially drop their classes during the first three weeks of school will have their refund or liability calculated according to the tuition refund schedule below:




Drop course(s) before 1 Official First Day of the Semester



Drop course(s) within 7 calendar days of the official first day



Drop course(s) between 8 & 14 calendar days of the official first day



Drop course(s) between 15 & 21 calendar days of the official first day



Drop course(s) beyond 21 calendar days after the official first day 



For summer and winter session(s), the refund period is the first 20% of the total days (including Saturday, Sunday & Holidays) in the session. York has multiple summer sessions. Please check with the Academic Calendar for the refund dates related to each term/session.


A college may refuse to perform administrative services for any student who has failed to meet his/her financial obligation to the college.

If you do not make full payment on your tuition and fees and other college bills, and your account is sent to a collection agency, you will be responsible for not only what you owe the College, but all collections costs, including agency fees, attorney fees, and court costs.

In addition, non-payment or a default judgment against your account may be reported to a credit bureau and reflected in your credit report.

Tuition and fees are subject to change by action of the Board of Trustees of the City University of New York at any time. In the event of any increase in the tuition or fees, payments already made will be treated as a partial payment. Notification will be given of additional amounts due and the required date of payment.