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Our Services

CUNY EDGE provides structured, effective programming to help students complete their degrees.

CUNY EDGE connects you with various campus departments, enhancing communication and information sharing while upholding professionalism and respect.

Student Advisement

  • CUNY EDGE offers guidance on your courses and career paths
  • CUNY EDGE offers seminars focused on professional and academic development
  • CUNY EDGE offers students graduation regalia and incentives

Student Support

  • Text Book Purchases
  • Have access to the SEEK Computer Lab
  • Access to individual workspace
  • Cafeteria Vouchers

Career Experience and Internship

We support students with government assistance pursuing an undergraduate degree through our CUNY EDGE Paid Fellowship and Pace Programs.

These programs offer real-world experience and networking opportunities to build essential skills for today’s job market.

The PACE Internship Program is available only to CUNY EDGE juniors, seniors, and alums who seek work experience and career training to prepare for the workforce.

The HRA Fellowship Program provides limited paid work opportunities for CUNY EDGE students.

Scholarhips and Financial Assistance

  • Tuition balance assistance for juniors and seniors
  • CUNY EDGE provides financial assistance to regular semester balances, intersession tuition, and summer tuition payments
  • CUNY EDGE & Mitsui USA full tuition scholarship and assistance identifying other scholarship opportunities