Alumni Relations Frequently Asked Questions
Who is a York Alum?
If you attended York College for any period, you are a member for life. There are no dues to pay. The only thing we ask you to do is to keep your contact information current, which will allow us to keep you updated with everything happening at York College.
How can I update my contact information with the Alumni Relations Office?
You can update your information using our Alumni Information Update form or contact Alumni Relations Manager, Sandra Bueno at 718-262-2945 or sbueno1@york.cuny.edu.
How can I share my story and/or news?
We love learning about everything our alumni do! Tell us about your achievements and accomplishments. We’d also love to hear about your personal York College journey. You can share your story and news with us by visiting our Share Your Story page or e-mailing sbueno1@york.cuny.edu.
How do I find out about events happening in my area?
Creating lifelong connections is a cornerstone of the York College Alumni Relations Office. Reconnect with fellow alumni during Class Reunions and participate in our events throughout the year – we will keep you updated all year long, stay tuned! Please make sure we have an updated email address for you.
What kinds of volunteer opportunities are there for alumni? How do I get more involved?
We would love to have you get more involved! Our success is powered by dedicated alumni who commit their time, resources, and talents in a variety of ways. Whether you’re looking for a one-time commitment or something more, there are many opportunities to get involved. Contact us at 718-262-2945 or sbueno1@york.cuny.edu to learn more about our volunteer and mentoring opportunities.
How do I make a gift to support York College?
Your support goes far in assisting the current generation of students who will follow in your footsteps of success. Visit our website Give to The Fund for York or contact us at 718-262-2945 or email sbueno1@york.cuny.edu.
***Please note Alumni Relations is different from the Alumni Association.
Alumni Association, Inc.
The Alumni Association is an independent membership organization and a membership fee is required. The Alumni Association is managed entirely by dedicated York alumni volunteers and seeks to promote the aims of the college, its alumni, students, and the community