Board Overview
York College
York College, a senior college of The City University of New York ( CUNY) in Jamaica, Queens, offers Baccalaureate degrees in the Liberal Art Sciences, Accounting and Businesses, Journalism, Communications Technology, Computer Science, Social Work, Teacher Education, Aviation Management and various Health professions including Nursing. York College CUNY is the only CUNY senior college offering majors in Gerontology, Biotechnology, Information Systems Management and B.S./M.S. degree in occupational therapy. With an exceptionally diverse student population of more than 8,000 students, York students hail from 125 different countries of birth and speak 84 different languages. More than 82% of the student population is from various minority groups (Black, Latino/ Hispanic, Asian/Pacific Islander, Native American and Others). Almost half of the student s are foreign born, while for an even larger group, York provides an opportunity for the first generation of college educated family members.
Mission & History
The York College CUNY Foundation was founded in 1989 to support and advance the activities and mission of York College CUNY in the pursuit of excellence in its academic, cultural, research and public services programs, and to promote to encourage interest and support for those programs and activities by members of the College and local communities and Alumni, as well as to serve as medium for encouraging fuller understanding of the function of the college.
An area of focus of the foundation is to raise funds for scholarships to allow highly qualified students to attend York without regards to ability to pay. Scholarship funds support students in all disciplines including students at the CUNY Aviation Institute at York College and those studying regulatory science in conjunction with York College’s partnership with the U.S Food and Drug Administration, which has its North East Regional facility on the campus of York College.
The Board
Board members are elected for two consecutive three- year terms. Regular board meetings are on a quarterly basis, on a weekday, from 4:30-6:00 pm on the York College campus. Although there is a call-in option, board members are encouraged to attend board meetings in person whenever possible. We may have occasional board retreats, as appropriate.
Responsibilities of Board Member
Board members of the York College foundation are expected to:
- Attend board meetings and contribute to the execution of the board’s responsibilities: board members are asked to attend of four board meetings, if possible.
- Have a genuine commitment to the mission of the York College Foundation, and become knowledge about its programs, strengths and needs.
- Be an ambassador, both in heightening awareness of York College among business, community and government leadership and in bringing to the organization information from its various constituencies.
- Be available for consultation and willing to use expertise at a level that will enhance the organization.
- Inform York College staff about opportunities for funding and program development.
- Actively participate in fundraising activities to secure corporate, foundation and/ or individual support, both for special events and programmatic activities, with a minimum give-and-get requirement of $2,500.
- Personally support the organization financially at an appropriate level.
- Maintain and improve the professional image of the organization.
- Identify and recruit a diverse group of potential board members who will bring resources, skills and contact to further the work of the York College Foundation.
- Server on a board committee such as finance, nominating/board development and major gifts force.
Nyisha Howell Interim Chief of Staff 94-20 Guy R. Brewer Blvd. Jamaica, New York 11451 (718-262-5374) Fax: 718-262-5374 Email: nhowell1@york.cuny.edu