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Information Technology

All About Encryption

The following section is all about encryption and how it affects you if you are storing University non-public data on your local PC or removable devices

Breach Reporting Procedure

This PDF from the CUNY Central site discusses the steps necessary when a breach in information security has occurred.

Non-Public Data Disclosure Form

This PDF explains what is non-public university information. The form must be filled out if you are indicating you work with this type of data or if you are indicating you no longer work with this type of data and would like to be removed from an encrypted system.


Any computer on campus that houses sensitive or non-public University data is subject to encryption. Encryption ensures that this data is transformed using an algorithm to make it unreadable to anyone except those authorized to manage the information. Encryption provides a high level of protection on your computer or removable devices. Here is some information you should know about Encryption.

Breach Reporting Procedure

This PDF from the CUNY Central site discusses the steps necessary when a breach in information security has occurred.

Private Information Advisory

This PDF explains what is private information and what security measures should be exercised in order to protect the private information of others as if it were your own.

Private Information Advisory

This PDF explains what is private information and what security measures should be exercised in order to protect the private information of others as if it were your own.