

ENG 199A: Student Writing Workshop

Are you...Interested in strengthening your writing? Wanting more feedback from peer review?

Try taking ENG 199A: Student Writing Workshop!

This is a one-credit, semester-long course offered to students enrolled in any section of ENG or WRIT.

ENG 199A: Student Writing Workshop

  • Meets once a week for 50 minutes, online-synchronous;
  • Provides a small-group environment with peer-to-peer interaction;
  • Has no textbook costs!

Sections offered in fall 2023:

  • Mondays: 4:00 to 4:50PM, online-synchronous (Prof. Inayatulla)
  • Tuesdays: 6:00 to 6:50PM, online-synchronous (Prof. Silva)
  • Thursdays: 5:00 to 5:50PM, online-synchronous (Prof. Robinson)

For more information, please email Prof. Inayatulla