Other types of Committee on Academic Policy and Standards (CAPS) Petitions
Please see the descriptions of other types of CAPS petitions below that would best describe your academic circumstance.
When choosing an 'Other' CAPS petition, most often, student are seeking to divert from college policies (within reason). Therefore, students file an 'Other' CAPS petition, and check off one of the boxes listed on the petition, indicating which policy, practice or procedure they are looking to petition.
General Process
On 'Other' CAPS petitions, there are five options for a student to choose from: Grade Change, INC Extension, Waiver, Follow Old Gen Education, Other.
Grade Change
A Grade Change petition may only be submitted by the student to the CAPS Committee After the Professor/Dept. Chair has submitted the Grade Change to the Registrar's Office.
Once the Registrar's Office has received the Grade Change from the Professor/Dept. Chair, the Registrar's Office will reach out to the student notifying them to file a Grade Change petition with the CAPS Committee.
What you need...
'Other' petition application (which can be found at the bottom of this webpage labeled 'Other Petition Application'.) Download the petition application and fill it out completely.
A typed personal statement/letter of your request explaining the extenuating circumstance as to why the grade was submitted after the deadline- please mention the semester and the class
Provide any supporting documents you feel would support your claim (ex: Doctor’s note, Counselor's note, email correspondence, etc.)
A copy of the unofficial CUNYfirst transcript
A letter from Professor/Dept. Chair stated they support the grade change after the deadline. Include the class, semester, and what letter grade they have submitted to Registrar.
Navigate to the Document Upload tab on the OSAS website and submit to the OSAS Secure Portal and submit all documents. (All documents must be uploaded to the secure portal. No documents will be accepted throug email.)
Extension of INC
An Extension of INC petition may only be submitted by the student to the CAPS Committee AFTER the Professor agrees to the let the student complete the course and therefore allow an extension.
What you need...
'Other' petition application which can be found at the bottom of this webpage labeled 'Other Petition Application'. Download the petition application and fill it out completely.
A typed personal statement/letter of your request explaining the extenuating circumstance as to why an extension to complete the course work is needed - please mention the semester and the class
Provide any supporting documents you feel would support your extenuating circumstance (ex: Doctor’s note, Counselor's note, email correspondence, etc.)
A copy of the unofficial CUNYfirst transcript
A letter from the Professor stating they support the extension of incomplete grade and give the student time to complete the course work required. Include the class and semester.
Navigate to the Document Upload tab on the OSAS website and submit to the OSAS Secure Portal and submit all documents. (All documents must be uploaded to the secure portal. No documents will be accepted throug email.)
Waiver of Major Residency Requirements
A Waiver of Major Residency Requirements Process petition may only be submitted by the student to the CAPS Committee AFTER the student has spoken with their Dept. Chair about their circumstances.
What you need...
1. 'Other' petition application which can be found at the bottom of this webpage labeled 'Other Petition Application'. Download the petition application and fill it out completely.
A typed personal statement/letter of your request explaining the extenuating circumstance as to you would like to waive the major residency requirements and why you are unable to complete these requirements.
Provide any supporting documents you feel would support your claim (ex: Doctor’s note, Counselor's note, email correspondence, Advisement Plan, etc.)
A copy of the unofficial CUNYfirst transcript
A Copy of Degree Works
A letter from Professor/Dept. Chair stated they support the waiver of major residency requirements.
Navigate to the Document Upload tab on the OSAS website and submit to the OSAS Secure Portal and submit all documents. (All documents must be uploaded to the secure portal. No documents will be accepted throug email.)
Follow Old Gen Ed. /Major/ Curriculum
A Follow Old Gen Ed. / Major/ Curriculum petition may only be submitted by the student to the CAPS Committee AFTER the student has spoken with the Dept. Chair and is well aware of the proceedings of this petition process.
What you need...
1. 'Other' petition application which can be found at the bottom of this webpage labeled 'Other Petition Application'. Download the petition application and fill it out completely.
A typed personal statement/letter of your request explaining the extenuating circumstance as to why you would like to follow the old gen. ed./major/curriculum. Please mention in your statement the bulletin year you are currently in and the one you are petitioning to be placed into.
Provide any supporting documents you feel would support your claim (ex: Doctor’s note, Counselor's note, email correspondence, Advisement emails, etc.)
A copy of the unofficial CUNYfirst transcript
A copy of Degree Works
A copy of Degree Works - "What if" with the bulletin year you wish to be placed into
A letter from Dept. Chair stating they support you in following the selected Gen ed./Major/Curriculum. Please specify which bulletin you are petitioning to be placed into.
Navigate to the Document Upload tab on the OSAS website and submit to the OSAS Secure Portal and submit all documents. (All documents must be uploaded to the secure portal. No documents will be accepted throug email.)
If by chance there is another academic policy or procedure you wish to petition that is not listed above, for ex: