During an evacuation, locate the nearest safest exit and leave the premises quickly and calmly.
Each Campus building has designated areas of assembly for disabled persons for evacuation in an emergency situation.

Techniques for evacuating disabled persons vary with the nature of the disability. If a person with a disability cannot evacuate, they should be moved to a designated enclosed fire stairwell that is a good distance away from the hazard.
Evacuation Assembly Areas for Disabled Persons
Designated disabled emergency evacuation areas have been established and are clearly marked "Evacuation Assembly Area" in the following locations.
A-Core Building:
- Lower Level -LB Corridor Inside Stair #7 and LF Corridor Inside Stair #4
- 1st Floor - 1D Corridor in Front of Cafeteria (Handicap Ramp Situated at Liberty Ave entrance/exit on 1st floors)
- 2nd Floor - 2D Corridor in Stairwell #2
- 3rd Floor - 3D Corridor Next to Stair #2, 3F Corridor Next to Stair #3 and Inside of Library Next to Stair #9. 3H Corridor next to Stair #11
- 4th Floor - 4F Corridor Next to Stair #3 and 4M Corridor Next to Stair #8
Classroom Building:
- Stairway adjacent to the elevator.
Science Building:
- Stairway adjacent to the elevator.
- Lower Level Exit to Evans Road
HPE Building:
- Lower Level Exit to South Field
Public Safety maintains class schedules and office locations of all disabled students who may require assistance when evacuating. Public Safety Officers will check these locations along with the "Disabled Staging Area11 during evacuations.
Always ask a disabled person how you can help before giving emergency evacuation assistance. Ask how they can best be assisted or moved, and if there are any special considerations or items that need to come with them.
- For persons with mobility impairments, it may be necessary to help clear the exit route of debris, if possible.
- For persons with a visual disability, give verbal instructions while assisting in an evacuation. Do not grasp a visually impaired person's arm. Ask if he or she would like to hold your arm as you exit, especially in crowds or debris-covered areas.
- For persons with auditory disabilities, get the attention of the person by touch or eye contact. Gestures and pointing are helpful, but be prepared to write a brief statement if that person does not seem to understand.
- Do not use elevators unless authorized by FDNY personnel.
- Do not attempt a rescue evacuation unless you had rescue training or the person is in immediate danger and cannot wait for professional assistance.