Student Affairs and Enrollment Management

Student Affairs and Enrollment Management

Student Travel

Student travel organized by colleges opens up a world of impactful and unforgettable experiences.

These journeys—whether they involve exploring New York's museums and historical sites, taking educational walking tours, or traveling abroad—bring learning to life. By stepping outside the traditional classroom setting, students gain a deeper, more vivid understanding of the subjects they study, making education a truly dynamic adventure.

Every trip, regardless of its length, location, or formality, must receive authorization to ensure the safety of students and the college. Classroom-based excursions require approval from the Provost or their designated representative, while all other trips need authorization from the VP of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management or their designee. The necessary forms for approval are listed below.

Please ensure that you submit the required paperwork, meet deadlines, and adhere to protocols to obtain approval for college-sponsored student travel. All travel must comply with CUNY Guidelines.

Required Training

All students must complete the Sexual and Interpersonal Violence Prevention and Response Course (SPARC). SPARC can be found in Blackboard under "My Organizations."

Faculty/Chaperones are required to complete the ESPARC training.