Center For Teaching, Learning, and Educational Technologies

Center For Teaching, Learning, and Educational Technologies

1.1 Setting up the Blackboard Home Page (3m31s)

What to have ready

A nice picture of you or a preferred avatar in JPG format. The recommended pixel size for your picture or avatar is 150 by 150.

  • Update your email address (if needed)
  • Post a photo or personalize your avatar

    Pixabay is a photo bank where professors can find images that are free of copyrights
    To resize images, use Web Resizer. You can also view the tutorial on how to resize an image to 150 by 150 pixels

  • Manage frequency of Blackboard update emails
  • Reduce visual clutter and collapse modules
  • Change the layout
  • Select a color theme

A quick introduction to the Blackboard Home page user interface including action bar, action button. modules, module settings, and various icons.

An introduction to action buttons and Global Navigation Menu.

If you want to re-use your course materials from a previous semester, follow the tutorials on course copy or course import on the Individual Tutorials for Specific Tasks page.


Setting up Blackboard from Scratch main page

CTLET Recommended Bb Roadmap and Workflows

Blackboard for Faculty main page

Center for Teaching, Learning and Educational Technologies (CTLET) home page