Center For Teaching, Learning, and Educational Technologies

Center For Teaching, Learning, and Educational Technologies

IT Security

To protect York's computer resources and the related information assets, the Center has implemented a Firewall system to protect the College network resources. The center has deployed an Intrusion Detection System for the campus.

An anti-spam solution for the mail servers has been implemented. The Center is also in the process of implementing a solution to protect the campus-network from viruses and worms attack. In addition, the Center conducts training sessions to familiar the York community with the security risks of the computer systems and to provide information on how to minimize these risks. To protect your computer from virus attack, it is very import that you:

  1. Do Windows update frequently. Microsoft releases Windows update constantly to fix the security holes in the operating system. These updates can protect your computer from the attack efficiently.
  2. Install Anti-virus software and update it frequently. Anti-virus software is your first defense to virus attack. In today's complex internet environment it is a must that you have Anti-virus program on your computer and keep it updated. Check the Virus Alert link to obtain detailed anti-virus information.
  3. Automate the above tasks. Contact us via email or call  ext. 5300 and we will help you automate the above two tasks.

Computer security contact:

If your computer is hacked or you suspect it is compromised, please contact:

via email or call ext. 5300.