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Information Technology

HyFlex Classroom Technology

Technology equip classrooms continue to be updated to accommodate HyFlex teaching modality.

Need a Demo of the HyFlex Room?

  • Visit the Technologies in the Classroom page to confirm your classroom is a Hyflex room. There are three Hyflex statuses:
  • Hyflex Offline - Room is targeted for Hyflex
  • Hyflex In Progress - Room can be used for distance learning but minimum Hyflex standard options are still pending
  • Hyflex Ready - The room is fully operational with all aspects of Hyflex's minimum standard
  • To schedule a hands-on or virtual review of the technology in these classrooms-- Coordinate with your department chair or your associate dean then submit a request at put the date and time and we will respond with a confirmation and a room. Please be aware this is not training, it's a review of technology in these classrooms.

Recommendations and Checklist

  • Review all the below videos
  • Make sure your Blackboard course is created
  • Be sure your Class Zoom session is scheduled
  • Check that the students know the link to your Zoom session
  • Use the Class Room Lectern to start your meeting (The camera in the room will only capture your Zoom meeting when started from the lectern)
  • Be aware that Hyflex installations will continue into the Fall semester and follow-up will be needed by IT, B&G, and Facilities to insure all the components are installed and properly working