Writing Across the Curriculum

Writing Across the Curriculum

Discipline-Specific Infosheets

These writing handouts guide students through the writing process in specific courses and disciplines including Health Education Program Planning.

Handbook for Teaching Writing in Studio Art Classes

This guide offers strategies for bringing writing processes and assignments into Studio Art Courses at York College. It was designed for instructors teaching Writing Intensive Studio Art courses at and those including writing in non-W.I. Studio Art courses. The guide provides strategies for introducing basic art writing skills, examples of informal, formal, and cumulative writing assignments, and offers further resources.

Health Education Program Planning

Identify and describe the health problem

Writing in History

This guide was prepared by a Writing Fellow in collaboration with the History Department. It provides discipline-specific advice on research and writing.

NU301 Ethical Issues

Department of Nursing, Ethical issues

NU301 Nursing Practice Paper

Department of Nursing, Nursing practice paper

Occupational Therapy Literature Review

This set of info sheets is designed to help students compose a literature review in Occupational Therapy

Social Work Psychosocial Assessment I

As a social worker, one of the most important genres of writing you will use in order to convey information about a particular client will be the psychosocial assessment

Writing 300 Objective Synthesis Assignment

A writing 300 info sheet assignment about how to use sources and how to write.

Writing in Introductory Statistics Courses

This handout focuses on writing components to keep in mind in Statistics courses. It provides information on how to approach assignments, taking notes, and how to succeed in the writing component of these courses.