Changing user availability
A tutorial for faculty on how to change the user availability in a Blackboard course site.
Observation Period
In this tutorial, you will learn how to change the user availability during the observation period.
Based on the new PSC-CUNY 2019 contract regarding the online/hybrid course observation, a course observer can only be enrolled in the course as a student or guest “for no more than a 48-hour period that will commence at a specified time not earlier than seven calendar days after the notice of the teaching observation has been given to the instructor. Within 48 hours of receiving notice of the observation, the instructor shall inform the students of the teaching observation and its beginning and end time via the method for announcements normally employed by the instructor in the course” (Section "Classroom Teaching Observations of Online Courses").
PSC-CUNY (2019). Memorandum of Agreement 2019.
Make sure you are inside the Blackboard course to begin following the instructions below.
1. Under Course Management, click on "Users and Groups", then "Users"

2. Hover to the username you wish to change the availability and click on the chevron (e.g. the down arrow) on the right-hand side.
3. On the pop-up contextual menu, select "Change User's Availability in Course."

4. To change the availability of the user, click on the drop-down menu and select YES for available or NO for unavailable.
5. To save your changes, click "Submit"