Center For Teaching, Learning, and Educational Technologies

Center For Teaching, Learning, and Educational Technologies

Exporting your course for reusing in a future course

(Strongly recommended) Exporting the course, downloading it to your computer. Afterwards, you can upload it to CUNY Dropbox or Office 365 One Drive if you wish.

  1. In the Course Management section, open the "Packages and Utilities" tab. Then click “Export/Archive Course.”
  2. Click the “Export-Package” option. On the "Export Course" page, scroll down to the “Select Course Materials” section and click “Select All.” 
  3. At the bottom right, click Submit. Note: While usually a question of minutes and a simple click on the refresh button on the Export/Archive Course page, in rare cases it may take a little longer to see the exported course link on the Export/Archive Course page and to receive an email notification to that effect. 
  4. On the Export/Archive Course page, download your exported course by clicking on the link and saving the file to your computer.
  5. Do not change the file name and save it in a folder you name “Exported Blackboard Courses.”
  6. Lastly, return to the Export/Archive Course page, click on the hidden action button next to the exported file name and select “Delete”. Done!
  • To access CUNY Dropbox to upload your course package, go to York College website > Facutly/Staff > Online Services > Dropbox. Create folders to organize your course packages.
  • To access CUNY Office 365 One Drive, after logging in your York email, click the Cloud icon (for One Drive). Create folders to organize your course packages.

Note: If you choose to archive the course that includes student enrollment, submitted work and grades, you should save it in CUNY or York platforms in compliance with FERPA.

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