Center For Teaching, Learning, and Educational Technologies

Center For Teaching, Learning, and Educational Technologies

IT Policies

The York College Web Pages and other related computer resources for Internet access are being developed for the purpose of advancing the Mission of York College.


To this end, the York College Web Servers supports three functions:

To provide Web Pages for teaching, learning, and research.
To provide access to academic resources on the World Wide Web.
To serve as a College-wide Intranet information system for the York College community.

The use of the York College Web Pages and other computer resources for any other purpose is not permitted.

Conditions of Use

York College disclaims responsibility for loss of, or damage to, individual Web Pages resulting from its efforts to maintain the privacy and security of the York College Server.

York College reserves the right to inspect, remove, limit, or restrict any Web Pages.
Users may not exceed disk space allocated by the System.
Manager, nor can they run excessive network traffic.
York College disclaims responsibility for the contents of individual Web Pages linked to its server.
Users may not use another person's account.
Users are required to comply with the rules and regulations governing the use of computers as stated in City University of New York Computer User Responsibilities, which is attached to and incorporated in this statement of policy.

Commercial Use

The use of the York College Web Pages and other computer resources for conducting any kind of commercial activity is not permitted.

Copyright violation is against the law. Many publications, photographs, and works of art are protected by copyright law. Users may not re-publish on Web Pages any copy-righted materials such as short stories, poems, photographs, or any other copyrighted images, sounds, or text without a prior copyright release.


Be warned that individuals can be sued for libel, defamation of character, or simply violation of privacy when they knowingly post private, incorrect, and/or damaging information about other people, organizations, groups, or companies.

Software Piracy

Software piracy is against the law and punishable by fines or jail. Users may not copy or distribute commercial software or announce the availability of Internet sites where pirated software may be available.

When consistent with the policies outlined in this document and with the approval of the Systems Manager, the following departments, offices, and individuals may link their home pages to or through the York College Web Servers:

Divisions, academic departments, disciplines, programs, offices, and centers.
Individual faculty and staff members.
Students whose Web Pages are part of academic work at York College and are approved by their instructors. These student pages will be deleted at the end of each semester (June 15 for the Spring semester, and January 15 for the Fall semester).
Student Government and student clubs whose Web Pages are approved by the Vice President of Student Development.


Any violation of the rules stated in this document and in City University of New York Computer User Responsibilities shall be referred to the York College Faculty Advisory Committee on Information Technology for a recommendation of appropriate disciplinary action.