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Financial Aid Office

Federal Work-Study

Federal Work-Study (FWS) is a type of financial aid awarded to students who demonstrate financial need and meet certain eligibility requirements.


The Federal Work-Study (FWS) program provides an opportunity to be placed in a part-time job that will accommodate your academic schedule during the school year. The opportunity to participate in a community service based organization or with the college will be given.

If you are awarded FWS, you must work in an eligible work-study job, either on-campus or off-campus, in order to receive the money. Placement assistance for work-study jobs can be found on-line on your Brightspace under "My Organization". You must have a FAFSA on file and demonstrate financial need in order to be eligible for FWS. Eligibilty is checked monthly throughout the end of the academic year.

Federal Work-Study Frequently Asked Questions

FWS Requirements

All awarded Federal Work-Study students must follow these criteria:

  • Have an FWS offer on CUNYfirst or be offered a discretionary money and must accept it
  • Registered for at least 6 credits at the time of job placement
  • Must be making Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)
  • Must be a U.S. citizen, permanent resident, refugee, or asylee
  • Must work at an FWS-approved on-campus or off-campus worksite
  • Work no more than 20 hours per week.

TAX Return Document: W-2, Wage and Tax Statement

Your Federal Work-Study (FWS) Form W-2, Wage, and Tax Statement are available on CUNYfirst Self-Service at the beginning of the fiscal year.
You must grant consent to start receiving an electronic form W-2

To review, download, and print your Form W-2, log in to CUNYfirst (Campus Solution). Navigate to (Self-Service > Payroll and Compensation > View W-2/W-2c) and click the link to download your file.

W-2 Form frequently asked questions

Pay Rate

Pay rate is determined at the begining of each academic year or if a new contract is needed.
Grade Level Pay Rate: Freshman $19.00 per hour, Sophomore $19.00 per hour, Junior $19.50 per hour, Senior and 2nd Degree students, $19.50 per hour.
Off-campus rate varies per hour.

FWS Orientation

Available on your Brightspace in "My Organization" panel

Please accept your FWS Award offer as soon as possible. Eligible applicants will be emailed an invitation to access the orientation presentation. Each student worker must pass the quiz and submit the application and forms on Blackboard. All I-9 IDs must be brought and submitted to the Financial Aid office in person when hired.
Please, click on the following links logging to brightspace, or lockdown browser or report any technical issues to for assistance. The quiz can also be taken in room CL201 daily.
You may also visit Brightspace for Students

Work-study students must watch the online presentation and pass the quiz. After successfully completing the quiz, the forms for submission will be visible. Once you submit the forms, you will then have acces to the jobs vacancy. Invitation to participate in the program is emailed to students eligible students monthly.
Students are given three chances to pass the online quiz. Failure to pass the quiz after three consecutive attempts must wait two (2) weeks then email " for an opportunity to retake a new quiz.
Once the quiz is passed, a certificate is generated. Students must present the certificate at each interview. The next step will be to complete all required forms and upload them on the Blackboard portal. After all forms are uploaded, access is granted to the jobs. Availability of jobs is updated regularly. Students should check the system regularly for job updtate.

Supervisors do have their own forms to hire students. Student should email, or call supervisors to request an interview. After both supervisor and student forms are submitted, student will be notified to begin work if eligible.

In order to begin working, eligible work-study students must complete all of the following:

  1. You must accept your FWS award on CUNYfirst
  2. Watch the FWS orientation session online and pass the quiz every award year.*
  3. Registered for at least 6 credits in the semester.
  4. Must be making Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP).
  5. Receive a "10" on all uploaded forms

Important Award Year Dates

  • June 16, 2024 - First day to work in Summer 2024.
  • August 24, 2024 - Last day to work for Summer 2024.
  • August 28, 2024 - First day to work in Fall 2024 (all documents submitted on Brightspace received).
  • December 21, 2024 - Last day of Fall work.
  • Working During Breaks: students may work as needed by the supervisor, but must have already enrolled at least 6 credits for the incoming semester.
  • Winter Session -  December 27, 2024, to January 23, 2025.
  • January 25, 2025 - First day to work in Spring 2025 (You must have hours remaining in order to work in the Spring 25).
  • Spring Recess  - April 12 to April 20, 2025.
  • May 22, 2025 - Last day to work for the 2025 Award Year.

Job Placement Procedure

Students must submit all documentation on Brightspace before job vacancy list can be seen. Supervisor will submit their hiring forms. Once the forms are processed, student will be sent confirmation to start working. Students should not start working prior to receiving a clearance notification.

Expectation Before Being Hired

  1. Submit complete forms and supporting documents on Brightspace, recheck that you have a "10" for all forms you submit.
  2. Write down the contact information on the jobs you are interested in.
  3. Call, email and arrange an interview with the site/job supervisor.
  4. Bring your quiz certification to the interview. If hired, your supervisor will submit their forms.
  5. Wait for your supervisor to call you to start working.
  6. If you cannot find a job, please contact Ms. Morrison by email for assistance.
  7. All technical concerns should be directed to helpdesk at York College.

Off-Campus Job Information

All jobs are available online on Brightspace and are updated constantly. Please keep checking on Brightspace for new jobs posting.

Public Service Corps Info and Application

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