- The ORSP Grants Assistant, in this case, Ms. Desirelyn Haliburton, is responsible for processing I-9s and managing the E-verification process at York College
- The first step in hiring a new employee is the I-9/e-verification process - which must be completed on or before the employee's first day of work. This process ensures the employee is legally eligible to work. After being notified of a new hire or rehire, the ORSP Grants Assistant will directly reach out to the employee to schedule an appointment in order to complete this process.
-The employee will receive an email from the RF CUNY HR Department with a link to the I-9 E-Verification Site Access - along with the company code and access code. - Please visit the ORSP Hiring Personnel Page to learn more.
- The access is granted by the RF once the individuals responsible for the I-9 are trained.
- Individuals should utilize the RF I9 and E-Verify Process and Systems Training Video to understand the I-9 & E-Verify process and systems.
Research Foundation Onboarding
The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs partners with the Research Foundation at CUNY in all aspects of grant or funding initiatives, this includes your hiring/rehiring arrangements. This process has been made more accessible by simply accessing the RF Personnel OnBoard System.
The Research Foundation at CUNY has implemented the RF OnBoard Personnel System, which you may use to submit your new hire/rehire paperwork.
- Please note: to access the RF Onboard Personnel System, you must first access your RF login information
This e-system electronically assumes nearly all your hire/rehire packet needs. Including, training videos available on the RF website. Instructions for the training videos can be found in the RF Onboard Training Video PDF.
You can also access a tutorial on how to use the RF Onboard System to submit the required information needed to place newly hired or rehired employees on the RFCUNY payroll via the RF Onboard Training Video.
For more information regarding RF Onboarding please refer to the RF Onboard Employee Manual.
Further RF E-Systems Training and Onboarding Information
I-9 and E-Verify
E-PAF System
Time and Leave
Compliance Training
If you have any questions about hiring/rehiring arrangements and employee oboarding please contact the Grants Assistant at x2125 or the ORSP main office line at x2061.